24 | Bandages And Broken Hearts

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bandages and broken hearts

- in too deep - why don't we -

a t h e n a


I'm being circled by these emotions, round and round as I continue to thrash against him. Blondie loosens his grip to readjust me, I don't think twice and take the opportunity to drive my elbow right into his stomach, clamping my teeth over his palm. Hard.

If this piece of shit thought i'd go down easily he had a few surprises coming.

My actions work in my favour, he immediately lets me go, yelling a string of curses while I dash to the door, unlocking it in a state of frenzy yet just as I'm about to save myself he gains hold of hair, pulling it with all his might.

Agony unfurls it's sharp talons before digging them right into my skull and arm as I'm propelled to the floor. A piercing scream breaks from my lips.

He nears me with a wicked gleam in his eyes.

"You little bitch, just you wait and watch what'll hap-" his words are cut off when the door is thrown open. My head snaps up, my eyes meeting ones I've grown to adore.

"Brayden." I choke out, the relief in the single word stark.

Brayden's eyes meet mine and I watch fear morph into concern in those depts of blue before they turn to the guy who's still standing over me and that's when those eyes turn bright.

Like two blinding blue embers of absolute rage fuelled by the sight infront of him.

The distraction again gives me the perfect opportunity and yet again without second thoughts, I kick blondie with my heeled shoe, making him tumble right over to Brayden who instantaneously takes hold of his neck as if we've practiced this manoeuvre countless times.

That's when he unleashes the pure molten fury which had made his eyes practically glow. One punch follows the other in brutal and savage symphony "How. Dare. You. Touch. Her" the guy manages to block the last punch and with all his force pushes Brayden off him.

A yell mingled with a sob breaks from my throat as Brayden's head makes contact with the edge of the sink. Red now stains his forehead.

But Brayden's quick to recover, he grabs an escaping blondie, hurtling him on the floor and proceeding with a kick right to the ribs.

I get out of my state of delirium, making an effort to get up as the blond's body sags with unconsciousness.

"Brayden. That's enough." I manage to croak as I stand with the support of the wall. My voice makes him stop, he looks at the mess of filth on the floor with empty eyes. Absolutely void.

His eyes seem absolutely emotionless. Like they'd been when I stared at him through the car windshield earlier tonight.

And that scares me.

I stumble to him, placing a hand on his cheek to force him into meeting my eyes. As if a block of ice thaws, emotion and colour floods back into those orbs. He closes them briefly, leaning into my palm as he does so.

They fly open a second later, going over my form. Analysing me for injuries. But except for a very disheveled state and a throbbing ankle and head I'm free from damage.

However the same can't be said about him as blood coats his temple and continues to trickle down his cheek. My heart clenches at the sight.

"Lets go home." He mutters, I only nod in reply. Brayden takes off his jacket, draping it over my bare shoulders and it's only then that I realise I'm shaking. Adrenaline and cold weather do not go hand in hand.

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