2 | Tuesday

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b r a y d e n

"YOU'RE AN ASSHOLE BRAYDEN!" Blondie yells before stomping away.

Sighing, I push off from my locker, looking at Ashton who tries to suppress his grin with a glare, unlike Luke who chuckles blatantly.

"You look constipated." I remark, pointing a finger at Ash as we start to head to the cafeteria.

I smile at a passing girl who in return giggles, twirling a lock of ebony hair and fluttering those evidently long-evidently fake lashes of the same shade, consequently mimicking the rest of the girls who pass me throughout the day.

Waterford Preparatory has it's fair share of leggy blondes, but i've been there and done that, to say that I was bored would be an understatement.

"Monday? Really? Her name is Friday. There's no such name as Monday." Ash grumbles as he looks at me with a raised brow causing me to roll my eyes.

"Wasn't my fault I misplaced her name, after all, there are seven days in a week and who names their child after a day?" I question as the glass doors of the cafeteria slide open, this was one of the few rare days we decided to eat in the cafeteria rather than in our private room.

How we got a private room in one of the most prestigious private institutes which supposedly promotes equality despite being solely for the rich, you may ask? Well, we have connections, just like every other student here.

Just one of the many perks that cone with bring the spoiled heirs to multi-billionaire parents.

Luke gasps dramatically "Dude, Wednesday Adams." them, shaking his head, he follows with "but of course you don't care because that's just classic Brayden King antics." he signals for one of the workers to place our lunch on our assigned table.

"You're one to talk, last week you called a girl Havana instead of Savannah." I deadpan fixing the idiot with a serious expression. He looks back at me with wide exasperated eyes.

"Hey! In my defence, I had been listening to the song Havana throughout the week. I didn't know she'd throw a fucking tantrum over it." He fires back and I hear Ash chuckle beside me.

Now at our table, we greet the three girls seated there. Cass doesn't bother looking up from her phone as she types away but Chlo waves at us and Lia kisses me on the cheek with a smile.

"Hey Cass, mind getting off your phone? And who the hell are you texting so enthusiastically anyway?" Ash snaps his fingers infront of Cass's face to get her attention.

The redhead looks up, throwing a glare at him "God, seriously Ash? it's Matthew and hold on I'm giving him fashion advice." he rolls his eyes, now focuses solely on the tray of food infront of him.

"Somebody's jealous." Luke sings, he grins at Ash who in return throws a slice of tomato at him which he successfully dodges however it ends up landing right on a girl's hair.

Ash's eyes widen when she turns around while the rest of us surpress our grins. She glares at Ash who in return looks at her with a sheepish smile.

"I'm so sorry, sweetheart. I'm afraid my aim has gotten a little rusty." Ever the golden boy apologises, standing up with a tissue, he dabs it against her hair, making the girl's cheeks resemble a shade close to Cass' hair.

Once she leaves, Luke burst out laughing. I grin, commenting "I think your aim is a little more than just rusty mate." Luke earns a swat from Ash while I get subjected to a glare which only makes my grin widen as he takes his seat again.

"Sweetheart? Wow some charmer you are." Cass mutters, Ash side eyes her, deciding to ignore her comment and instead sips his drink.

"Luke I swear if you do that one more time, you're dead." Chlo threatens Luke who currently munches on her fries. This is our everyday routine.

Some bickering, some flirting and a whole lot of fiascos. Lia shakes my arm to get my attention and I smile, turning to her.

"Do you want to come over today? We could have a movie marathon." She grins and as I'm about to answer, my phone rings, cutting my sentence off before it could even start.

Without looking at the caller I answer it "Hello?" A soft familiar voice replies back "Brayden, sweetie, you need to do me a favour. We have a guest staying over for some time and for dinner tonight we're in dire need of groceries. I'll send you the list, please go and buy them."

I groan in protest as I answer my mother "Where's Elton?"

"He's sick so he took the day off."


"He's doing the dishes."

"What about Davis or Amanda?"

"They're on their honeymoon."


"Brayden Alastor King, one more name from your mouth and you'll know why your father never argues with me."

I close my eyes momentarily in frustration and manage to grumble a small "Fine" before ending the call.

Who the fuck is staying over?

Mom and Dad always entertain guests but none of them have ever stayed over. Looking over to Lia who patiently waits for an answer, I shake my head.

"Sorry, mom needs me to do some grocery shopping for dinner." I tell her causing her to scrunch her nose and before she can say anything I answer "I know."

Going grocery shopping was the last thing I expected or wanted to do on a Tuesday.

This was before I knew what was to come when I reached home.


Out of all of the days hands down Tuesday is the worst one. Don't ask me why, it just is.
Which day do you guys hate and love the most?
I think we all know which day is the best
I hope you liked the chapter.
Until next time

 Until next timeXoxo💙

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