11 | Polaroids By The Pool

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polaroids by the pool

- miss you - cashmere cat -

a t h e n a

"IS HE FINALLY TELLING Cass today?" Chlo asks, both her excitement and curiosity can basically be felt through the phone.

"I sure hope so, I basically had to shove her in Ash's car to make her agree to go wherever he was taking her." Sighing, I wipe the sweat from my forehead and give Mirium a thumbs up.

"Where's Brady?" I turn around, grinning at Chloe before cutting the call. She walks to me with a matching grin, looking stunning in her denim shorts and pink tie up one piece, her gold locks bounce with every move she makes.

"He went to pick up her royal highness Amelia." I huff, dragging another floatie and push the massive unicorn into the pool.

Brayden and I had been preparing the backyard for the pool party by inflating elaborate floaties and "assisting" Mirium by tasting the snacks she had made-up until about thirty minutes ago because he had to play chauffeur.

I hadn't let his exit dampen my mood. Mostly. Admiring the decked out backyard had helped.

To one side of the vast space is panelled wooden floor which adorns an enormous bbq grill, white lounge chairs and a long marble counters to place food on, accompanied by high bar stools.

While on the other side, there's a well kept lawn before the grass is taken up by a ginormous pool which hosts a waterfall design along with a jacuzzi connected to the side. 

"Am I sensing jealousy, my sweet potato?" Luke comes to stand beside Chlo, clad in green swimming trunks and an open buttoned shirt which shows off his tanned chest, his raybans resting on his head. 

He has two skateboards under his arm, both of them have Chlo's rendition of Van Gogh's Starry Night on them, the only difference is that one is in dusty lilacs and purples (Chlos) and the other in light sky blues (Lukes).

Chlo had painted them and gifted one to Luke years ago on his fourteenth birthday, as I'm told, and it's been his favourite board ever since.

Facing him, I click my tongue "Your senses need repairing my friend." moving past him, I take a seat on one of the bar stools, sighing in relief when I do so. Despite only wearing a light sundress over my bikini, I'm still sweating.

"While it does pain me to say it, I do think Luke is right.." Chlo pipes in causing Luke to grin, putting his face closer to hers he wiggles his brows "Is that so?"

She ignores his comment, instead adding "You do seem bitter." as she pushes Luke's face away with a fond chuckle.

I'm about to retort but Amelia takes the moment to waltz in making all three of us shut up. She's wearing an eye damaging neon yellow two piece which barely manages to cover her private parts and shows off almost all the skin she has.

"Why is it so damn hot, and why are you still wearing this?" Amelia nags and eyes my dress weirdly to which I refrain from rolling my eyes.

"If you want to see my bikini, all you have to do is say so." she shudders at the statement, I continue "I didn't have the time to change. Some of us were busy with actual work." I look away from her to Chlo and Luke who seem to be enjoying our conversation entirely too much.

"Now this is exactly what I needed." Ash's voice makes all our heads turn, my sour mood immediately brighten when I watch Cass enter hand in hand with Ash. She meets my eyes, a worried look on her face which disappears once she sees my ecstatic expression.

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