32 | Valentine's Valour 0.2

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valentine's valour

- i wanna be yours - artic monkeys -


I TAP MY FINGERS rhythmically on the steering wheel, continuing to wait for Athena and trying not to call her again.

School starts in about fifteen minutes and It shockes me to say admit that Athena takes even longer than myself to get ready. But then again, all her clothes are a rumpled mess in her suitcases.

Resting my head back against the seat, I close my eyes, my mind rewinding back to yesterday's conversation.

"Because I had to Val." She says, the grief lining her voice making me frown.

"No, you didn't." I reply straight away.

Athena's lips quirk up in a sad smile "How do you expect me to stay in the same house as him after what happened between us?"

There it is.

"Why did you leave without saying goodbye?" My voice hardens when I remember the feeling of betrayal I had felt when Catherine had broken the news to me at the dinner table.

Grief evolves into desperation as she pleads "I'm very sorry about that. I wasn't in a good state and I knew the moment I'd see you I'd break right there and then. Saying goodbye to you and losing Brayden the same day was too much for me to handle."

Her eyes shine with unshed tears and I can't take it anymore so I stride to her and envelope her in a tight hug.

"I forgive you but the next time you pull a stunt like this on me I'll personally destroy your maroon Gucci bag. Infront of you." I narrow my eyes at her just as she pulls away.

"I love you but don't you dare! That purse is my baby." She places her hands on her hips defiantly, that glare back and a much better improvement from that sad puppy look.

The very difference makes laughter bubble to my throat.

"Hence why I threatened you with it." I drawl "So we have a deal then." I smirk as she continues to glare.

I still don't know why the two broke up but I'm damn well not forcing out answers from either of them.

They're fucking idiots.

Just thinking about their tangled story gives me a migraine.

Me visiting Malean was supposed to be just that-a mere visit-and now even the thought of going back uneases me. The fact that I don't know where I want to go next only adds to the conflicting sentiment.

My father will no doubt want me by his side in New York but I'd rather auction both my kidneys just to escape the prospect yet I'm well aware that no matter what road I take, I will end up as a part of my father's company.

So why no take the fun route with both my functioning kidneys intact.

The door opening brings me out of my thoughts. I open my eyes to see Athena now occupying the passenger seat, clad in a loose white deep necked blouse tucked in high waisted flared jeans.

During the last month of the semester, Waterford eradicates the uniform rule for seniors as a 'parting gift' to them thus the attire.

A grin settles on my face "I'm rubbing off on you. Something's missing though."

Athena turns to me "Thank you for the very generous compliment and what's missing?" I barely manage to conceal my excitement as I reach back and grab the leather jacket which had been discarded in my car for quite some time now by a certain someone.

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