23 | Little Black Dress

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little black dress

- one last time - ariana grande -

a t h e n a

I'M WOKEN UP BY gentle yet persistent knocks on my door.

Untangling myself from the comfy layers of my comforter seems like a hinderance that I don't want to deal with but the knocks don't falter, instead they grow louder and aggressive by the second.

My gaze catches on the massive box of chocolate covered strawberries placed of my nightstand, rows on rows of varying colours and flavours occupy the embellished box and I can't help but smile.

I still need to thank Catherine for spoiling me rotten these past few days.

Picking up a bright pink strawberry, I trudge to the double doors, opening one I come face to face with two cheshire cats. Both grinning. Both scaring me because of the width of said grins.

"Where is this heading?" I start, looking pointedly at the blonde and readhead who practically skip into my room, I smother the urge to rub my temples at the soon to come headache.

They share a look that promises nothing but trouble. I place my hands on my hips, looking at the duo with an awaiting arched brow "Well?"

"There's a party tonight." Chlo is first to begin.

"And all of us are going." Cass follows with quickly.

My reply is a one word question "Brayden?"

The answer is not to my liking "Yes."

I simply climb back in my bed and cover myself with my blissfully soft comforter, however, it is pulled off me not a second later by Cass.

"You're not escaping back to this cocoon. We've given you space and let you live in this shell for long enough. Get up. Now." She glares at me with defiance I know I will never be able to battle.

Yet, I still try.

"But it's-" Chlo cuts me off before I can complete my futile attempt "No buts. You will go to that party tonight and you will have every damn eye trained on you for the entirety of it."

I stare at the waiting faces, just to prolong the inevitable, alas that too come to an end. Sighing, I get up and open my arms with dramatics that have rubbed off on me from Val.

"Do your worst."


"I am not going out in this. No way. Zero. Zilch. Nada. Nu-"

"Yes. Yes you are. End of discussion." Chlo shushes me by placing a finger on my freshly painted maroon lips to which Cass hisses, pulling her hand away.

Groaning, I run my eyes over myself in the mirror.

The black sparkling mesh mini dress is covered in countless tiny crystals, the plunging neckline and entirely backless piece put almost all of my skin on display. The fabric glitters blinding with each sway, the cool material resting flatteringly on my curves.

A thin chained choker rests against my neck, something to take the attention away from all the skin with the V at the front running a little too deep.

Cass fluffs up my hair which cascades in a waterfall of brown waves over my shoulders while Chlo hands me my heels.

Finally done with the last touches, each of us look one another over, with Chlo in a white square neck mini dress and Cass in a silver sequined halter top with high waisted black jeans, both of them look stunning.

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