15 | Valentine's Valour

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valentine's valour

- valentine - 5sos -

a t h e n a

GULPING DOWN WHAT SEEMS to be my fourth drink, I savour the burn that slides down my throat and look around the field.

Flashing neon lights illuminate the velvet sky and border different sized foam pools and countless bars scattered around the massive ground.

Right in the centre of it all is the main attraction, the enormous foam water pool with a-rather hazardous-dance floor in the middle.

Even now, half naked teenagers dance to the beats of the deafening music mingled with laughter while chants of joy taint the atmosphere.

I sigh, facing the bartender once again who in turn gives me a grin which, to my utter dismay, makes me think of Brayden's smirk. I had only seen the asshole once, exchanging saliva with a redhead, since the moment I stormed out of his car.

Thinking about him now, I'm hit with a wave of anger and sadness, I've been here for an hour. All alone.

Chlo, Amelia and Luke disappeared into the dance floor two hours ago and there's still no sign of them. Ash and Cass left hand in hand with grins on their faces to I don't want to know where and as for Brayden he, no doubt, is too busy having either a one night stand or a make out session.

Again, that bitterness seems to take over, causing me to furiously gulp down another drink.

"Hey, do I know you? Because you really look like my next girlfriend." I find a smooth voice whispering in my ear which causes me to rapidly spin around and come face to face with a handsome blue eyed blond guy.

An amused scoff escapes my lips at the line.

My eyes trail down to his shirtless torso, transfix at his flawlessly defined body. Forcing myself to meet his eyes, I don't fail to notice the sharp jaw and the high cheekbones.

How are there no girls clinging to his arms and legs?

"Can I have a dance..or three?" The devilish grin he gives me makes my heart race in excitement, either the alcohol has kicked in or I'm feeling rather bold because I find myself intrigued.

"Since I haven't heard that one before, you just earned yourself a dance..or three." Smiling coyly, I gently place my hand in his and with a final grin from him we walk to the dance floor which now seems perfectly same.

"I didn't catch your name." He yells over the blasting music as both of us push through the swarm of wet bodies to get to the middle.

"I didn't catch yours either." I shout back, smiling when I hear him throw his head back with a chuckle "Fair enough."

"I'm Valentine. Though I'd prefer it if you call me Val." I narrow my eyes at him in suspicion to which he raises both his hands in surrender "Not bluffing. It is my birth name, thanks to my grandmother."

With a roll of my eyes, Val's hand slides along my bare waist, a shiver travels through me when they come to rest on my hips. Both of us start to sway lightly along the beats of the song when I yell "I'm Athena." my hands finding their place on his shoulders.

"Goddess of Wisdom and War." He murmurs bringing his face closer to mine, his lips barely grazing the curve of my ear. My heart drums against my ribcage along the beats of the song, he spins me around.

"So you know your greek mythology." I comment as our movements pick their pace into a faster dance. Raising an eyebrow at me, Val grins "And you know how to dance."

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