30 | Actions And Consequences

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actions and consequences

- pov - ariana grande -

   b r a y d e n  

I CLOSE THE BATHROOM door behind me, still rubbing my wet hair with a towel when my girlfriend's unmistakable orchid and caramel scent hits me.

A grin stretches my lips, tossing the towel, I turn to meet her eyes but my expression promptly sobers up when I take in her red rimmed eyes and flushed cheeks.

"What's wrong?" I question, striding to her side and reaching to take her hand in mine yet she dosen't give me the chance and pulls away, those blue eyes fluttering close.

My heart takes the moment to quicken its pace, foreshadowing whatever was to come would not be to my liking.

"I need to say something." She rasps causing my brows to furrow but nonetheless I give her a nod.

"I-I want to end what's between us." A beat of silence passes after she says those words, breaking it with a scoff I look incredulously at her.

"Is this a joke? Are we back to pranks?" I can't help keeping the chiding tone away from my voice. Her eyes lack the mischievous glimmer that's always there and she refuses to look at me, instead settling for a wall.

Athena backs away. I mimic her actions, only I step forward. "Neither is this a joke nor a prank. I just think some time apart will be good for us. I don't want to be together." my muscles stiffen and I go rigid as she whispers the next sentence.

"I think we should breakup." Her voice cracks at the end while all I do is just stand there, wholly still in absolute silence because I can't get past the ringing in my head.

In attempts of composing myself I take another step forward. My hands aching to touch her, my brain yelling at me to wrap my arms around her and my lips wanting to be on hers but I ignore every instinct of mine and simply ask "Why? Why all of a sudden. Aren't you happy with me?"

I can't help but remember that I'd yelled the same sentence at Kiara when I'd confronted her. I don't let myself flinch at the thought because I know with all that I am that there are no similarities between Athena and my cheating ex.

"I've made my decision Brayden." Just hearing her say my name with so much agony makes me want to raise her bowed head and kiss her senseless until all the pain washes away from her voice. But I can't, so instead I try with words.

"Can't you just tell me why? Do I not deserve an explanation? Blu-"

"Please don't." she cuts me off "Don't do this." with tear brimmed eyes she shakes her head and I feel helpless-so fucking helpless. My mind is in a state of constant frenzy, trying to catch up to the moment but Athena's words just keep on repeating in my head.

"You're being so damn irrational. After everything, after practically swearing off love for years, I finally let someone in and this is what I get in return? Do you not know what you fucking mean to me?" I yell-throwing calmness out the window because I can't help it-can't help the fear, betrayal and dread clawing at me.

She chokes on a sob but I can't bring myself to look at her as I murmur "Tell me the damned reason and then I'll leave you alone. I'll get out of your life, all I ask for is a reason."

The answer I get is not the one I wanted. It's silence.

"Get out." I grind out, balling my fists and grinding my teeth. The claws now sinking deeper in my skin, making it hard to take in breaths without panting.

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