14 | Conflicting Emotions

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conflicting emotions

- maniac - conan gray -

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"WHAT DO YOU EVEN wear to a foam party?" I question, shuffle through racks on racks of clothing.

"Regular party clothes, just more casual." Chlo calls back from where she examines herself in the large rectangular mirror, a minto coloured dress pushed against her body.

"I'm so glad we finally made time for shopping." I peak at Cass who continues pilling dresses, jeans, jackets and pretty much anything she can find, into her boyfriends arms.

Cass grins, picking up another dress, in symphony to Ash groaning, she-of course-ignores the protest and instead lays it on top of her ever growing pile "Babe, aren't these enough for today?" he whines makin me chuckle.

They sure make a cute couple.

"Did you girls find whatever you were looking for? Can we please leave and get ice cream already." Luke pokes Chlo and then Amelia, earning both a shove and a swat from the blonde and brunette.

"For fucks sake Luke we just ate. You consumed four tacos how the hell are you hungry again." Chlo glares at him when he shrugs "Fast metabolism runs in the Rodgers family." then with a knowing smile "There's also a skate shop nearby."

Chlo stops, her hand which was reaching for a pair of shorts halting in the air. She turns around slowly "And?" she asks Luke who purses his lips, sighing "And I'll buy you anything you want." his voice is monotonous yet his eyes are anything but.

Both of them now turn to me.

Chuckling, I tell them "I'm done." with a look at Cass and Ash who looks at Brayden with wide puppy dog eyes, I add "Though I don't know about Cass." stifling my laughter when Brayden only gives him a grin and turns to me.

"Cass and Ash can stay here but I'm tired so we're going." He drawls, gaining a whoop of victory from Luke who receives alarmed looks by other customers at the sudden loud sound.

"I'll catch you guys outside, I'm going to pay." I tell them, Cass only waves us off, busy in comparing two tops. Giving one pitying look to Ash who vigorously shakes his head, mouthing "please save me" I head for the cashier.

Smiling at me, the boy at counter greets "Hi, I'm Adam. How are you?" and starts going through the clothes, returning his smile I reply "Athena, I'm good. Yourself?"

"I'm not supposed to say this but.." he makes a show of looking around "I could be better. This job has a habit of getting repetitive."

He looks my age with his messy caramel coloured hair and grey eyes, which I can bet, must be the reason to many swoons. Giving me another grin he asks "Can I have your number?" as he points to the computer.

Nodding, I start to recite it but Brayden's voice interrupts me, he sneers "No, you cannot have her number." My eyes widen a fraction, looking between Brayden and Adam I try hard not to burst out laughing.

Adam seems to be doing the same as he says "I was asking for the rewards programme." Both Adam and I take one look at Brayden's expression and break down in laughter.

Brayden's cheeks turn pink as he clenches his jaw and mumbles a small "Oh" before standing there awkwardly while we still fail to stifle our laughter.


"Drop it. Trust me when say I won't be forgetting about it anytime soon, even without you reminding me of it every fucking minute." He snarls as he seizes my hand, stopping me from poking him.

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