7 | An Eventful Day

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an evenful day

- commitment issues - dempsey hope, jale crocker -

a t h e n a

"BRAYDEN GET UP!" I groan for what seems like the hundredth time, getting more agitated by the second. I've been trying to wake him up for fifteen minutes now.

My car had to go through a few legality contracts and so for the past week Brayden had been my mode of transportation but it was hell to wake him up. This being exhibi A.

"You fucking idiot get up already!" I yell, vigorously shaking his bare shoulder, the muscles beneath my hand as hard as a brick wall. That's it.

l turn to leave, prepared to walk to school if I have to, but his hand reaches out before I can turn, grabing mine and yanking me down onto his bed on him.

My body weight is fully on him as I lay atop, our chests flush against each other with my face hovering over his. My eyes admire his sharp features, he runs his eyes over my face, the sleep now gone entirely from them.

My breath hitches when his gaze drops to my lips-and stays there. His scent is as inviting as ever and the more I stay in this position the more an urge to kiss him takes over me.

Brayden raises his mouth making my eyes widen slightly but I don't make any move to back away. He's so so close and one move could connect our lips but that moment never comes because Jupiter barks loudly from the side of his bed which startles both Brayden and me.

Stumbling over my movements I quickly stand up, feeling heat creep to my neck. Brayden's about to say something but I cut him off by walking out of the room, only muttering "I'm heading downstairs, get ready quickly." and closing the door.


I want to sigh in relief when the car comes to a stop and with it the awkward silence. I stride straight into school without even a single glance at Brayden.

I'm still mortified over what happened earlier and now it's hard for me to face him without wanting to curl up in a hole underground.

Grunting, I enter my first class for the day which happens to be History, being already sleepy as is, this will surely serve as the cherry on top.

I plop down next to Chlo, she turns to me with an expression that mirrors mine "Fifteen minutes tops till we fall asleep." She says as a way of greeting.

Biting on my lip, I think her statement over "Hmm, I say ten." I reply, giving her a small lazy smile which makes her chuckle.

"Loser treats winner to Starbucks." With a firm shake of our hands we grin and settle comfortably in our chairs.

Mr Irvine takes the moment to enter, wasting no time and starting his lecture, I smile as sleep quickly lures me into bliss.


I jump up at the sound of a loud bang, Chlo mimicking my actions only seconds later as a second bang sounds. Rubbing my eyes, I come face to face with a very angry looking Mr Irvine.

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