25 | Road To Redemption

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road to redemption

- what a heavenly way to die - troye sivan -

b r a y d e n

THERE ARE TIMES WHEN my gratitude for having friends that are more like family is endless and then there are times when I question my choice of befriending them.

Today happens to be one of the latter.

Valentine, Ashton and Lukas are massive pains in my ass as it is, but when all three have a conjoined vendetta against me it feels akin to a meticulously curated punishment from hell.

I press my fingers against my temples, seconds away from snapping and walking out of the basketball court of Orion Sports Complex while the boys keep yapping on about me being a 'numbnunt who wouldn't recognise something good even if it bit me with razor sharp teeth right in the ass'

And sure it may be true but still, I could only take so much more.

I'd called them here to brainstorm ways of winning back Athena, not lecturing me and rubbing salt in my wounds.

"Okay, that's it." I stand up from the bench "forget it, I'm going to figure something out on my own."

Next thing I know? Calamity.

All three of them begin speaking over the other. I manage to make out only a few sentences.

"Whoa there, don't get pissy."

"Stop right this instance or this won't work out in your favour."

"The lady doth protest too much, methinks, we were just getting to the good stuff."

I shoot Ash a murderous look "One more word and the lady doth protest none because I'm about to punch her face in."

The head boy of Waterford Preparatory grins as if I hadn't just threatened to give him a shiner and instead asked him to tea "Come now, Brady, we're your friends. Of course, we're going to help you undo your act of idiocy."

My eye twitches.

"Okay then, enough dilly dallying, let's come up with an actual plan." Val's face is covered in a light sheen of sweat after the game we'd just finished playing yet not a blond single strand of hair is out of place as he encourages me back to my seat.

The music that we had playing through the speakers changes from the fast paced verses of Kendrick Lamar to party music and Rihanna's voice echoes through the court, the reverberations of Only Girl going through the vast basketball court.

We look over at Luke "What?" he pockets his phone "It'll help us come up with ideas that'll make Potato feel like the Only Girl in Bray Bray's world."

"Of course, it will, Luke." Val's voice is flat and unimpressed but his eyes are glinting with mirth. My cousin and I have always been close but that won't remain the same if I strangle him in a few seconds.

God, I hate these idiots. I would jump off a bridge for them, but I hate them.

"So, I was thinking, do something sentimental like getting her an engraved piece of jewellery. Something personal" Ash supplies, unscrewing the cap of a water bottle.

"What is it with you and jewellery?" Val asks taking the bottle from Ash before he even has the chance to speak.

"Always works like a charm. Diamonds are, in fact, a girl's best friend." He grins but when he turns to me there's seriousness on his face "this is not me telling you to buy her a Harry Winston, just something that she can always have with her as a reminder that you care."

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