28 | The Floating City

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the floating city

- fantasy - alina baraz & galimatias -

   a t h e n a  

I WAKE UP IN a car.

But it's not Brayden's car-with it's unmistakable red leather interior which manages to perk my attention instantaneously, rather it's a darkened surrounding with windows that are tinted black.

Though my unease ebbs away as soon as I recognise the strong familiar arms wrapped snugly around me.

Brayden pockets his phone, now giving me his sole attention with a fond grin "You're finally up." I grin sheepishly when he places a kiss on my forehead "What time is it and where, exactly, are we?" I ask just as the car comes to a halt.

"Try to hold in the twenty questions just for a few more seconds." Rolling my eyes at him, I take his hand and he helps me out of the darkened car, my eyes squint to adjust to the now bright space.

Yet they widen a second later with symphony to my mouth dropping open as I take in my surroundings.

Bustling with life, I'm greeted with floating Venetian buildings, all painted in bright shades of the rainbow, adorning intricate and mesmerising designs which race to the roof terraces along with intertwining vines and ivies.

I look up at them, the popping colours of slightly damp clothes left to dry on the railings of balconies which sway against the breeze meet my eyes.

Below, the canals running in the floating streets connect various places of the city, various gliding occupying the body of water. Over some, bridges stand in mid air, the wonky, weirdly-shaped paths without railings only contributing to the enchanting effect.

Life, colour and art radiates from every inch of it.

Every single one.

And I can't help the tears of awe and joy that pool in my eyes as Brayden whispers in my ear "Welcome of Venice."

Turning around, I embrace him tightly as I ask incredulously "How? When?...What?" Brayden's answering laugh makes me grin and tuck my head in the crook of his neck.

"Private plane. Today. Pulled some strings and now we're in Venice for our first date. Please no more questions, I'm starving and something tells me that cold Italian food won't be as good as the hot and fresh one." He pulls away and my heart swells with so much hapiness and love as I look into those blue eyes that I think it might just burst.

I kiss him. In the middle of it all, I bring my lips to his and savour his touch, his hands that leisurely glide up from my bare back to my neck and his lips on mine.

In this moment, the world around us-practically bursting at the seems with life-is put on pause and I am so very lucky, to be in this little bubble of our own. With him having pulled me flush against his chest and his lips moving with mine, is when I have a wordless definition for an all consuming type of joy.

I pull away breathless and desperate for air.

"So, you were saying something about Italian food?" my chest moves up and down, rapidly devouring deprived air, when he takes my hand in his once again and starts to pull me into the heart of the city.

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