36 | Injured hearts

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injuried hearts

- there you are - zayn -

a t h e n a


Two broken ribs.

A broken collarbone.

A broken arm.

We were updated by the nurse about his injuries precisely twenty two minutes ago.

Cass and Chlo sit on the floor with me, both at my side as I continue to stare blankly at the bleak white wall infront of me. Catherine sobs silently into her husbands chest while Val paces back and forth with Luke and Ash giving sharing concerned looks.

After the ambulance had reached us everything had been a big blur for me. The questions. The calls. The wait.

Everyone had rushed straight to the hospital from the gala and we sit around the chemical smelling hallway in a pin drop silence, still decked out in extravagant suit and gowns. It made for a depressingly comical sight.

My once glittering grey dress is now dirt specked and caked with Brayden's dried blood. Everytime I catch a glance of the red the contents of my stomach threaten to surface.

It's been a challenge to keep the tears at bay but I have to be strong, not only for everyone else and myself but for Brayden as well.

I won't let this be the last chapter of our story.

My mind yet again drifts off to the events that had taken place earlier tonight.

This wouldn't have happened if not for him. If forgiveness was near impossible before, it's completely out of the question now. And while he did play a part in this, I can't deny that it was because of me that Brayden got hit.

He crossed the road to get to me.

No matter what I try to tell myself, deep down I know that I won't be able to forgive myself for what happened tonight.

"How is he now?" Val's voice makes my head jerk up, the nurse standing next to him makes me scramble to my feet and this time I almost yell. In the time that had passed, the ache in my ankle had grown tenfold.

"The operation has been completed. He'll be staying in the Intensive Care Unit for the night, just in case anything goes wrong." My heart picks up it's pace at the sentence "We'll shift him in a room once the doctor answers affirmative."

"Is he stable though?" I rasp out, the hope in my voice must have been mimicked in my eyes because she gives me a weak sympathetic smile though she dosen't get to answer because the doctor joins in.

"So far. But we do need to keep an eye on him for the next twenty four hours." My throat closes up and I find it hard to swallow, instead of speaking, I give him a nod. Cass squeezes my hand in reassurance but the last thing I feel right now is reassured.

"He can be visited now. While I usually allow only one person to stay with the patient, I highly suggest that the patient should only be visited for only a few hours. Brayden's condition in critical, I hope you understand.." he trails off.

Silence follows when he takes his leave, watching his retreating back, I quietly take a seat on the metal chair, my hands clenched in my lap.

"Athena." I meet Catherine's red rimmed eyes "Go to him." the statement makes me shake my head "I can't take that right from you Catherine." my voice comes out shaky and it hurts to get the words out.

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