9 | Officially Dating

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officially dating

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a t h e n a

WE START OUR ACT on Monday, with the following days filled with tactics that were supposed to make Cass jealous.

The very first one is to announce the news, thus the reason why I currently sit in Ash's car, waiting to make a grand entrance together to put up the front of a unified couple.

"I really hope this works." He mutters, parking his car and then turning to look at me over his browline sunglasses "Ready?"

Taking off my own Bottega Veneta's, I reply "Nope." causing Ash to chuckle. Getting out of his red Aston Martin-not a coincidence, the decision was very purposeful-he offers me his hand.

Accepting it, both of us walk towards the entrance.

"Well it's a good thing that I feel the same way." He whispers, no one tries to be subtle when they gwak at us, their gazes following every sway of our entwined hands.

"We're grabbing quite the attention." I look at him with a smile, pretending as if I'm saying something lovey dovey, trying my best to potray the role of a doting girlfriend.

"Of course we are. After all, it's not everyday that the Head Boy falls under the term 'taken'" He drawls with a wink. Clicking my tongue, I point out "Brayden is rubbing off on you."

Speaking of Brayden, just before leaving I had made sure to ask Mirium to inform Brayden that Ash would be picking me up today.

After yesterday, drama is the last thing I want or need. However, I have a feeling that drama is inevitable over the next few day, specially when the brunette boy next to me chuckles, squeezing my hand just as we enter our private room.

All eyes turn to us and the noise dies down immediately, leaving a thick blanket of silence to envelope the room.

Luke falls off the couch, Amelia glances from Ash to me, Chlo tries her best to surpress her grin while Cass stays rooted in her spot with wide eyes.

"Hi guys." I break the silence, grinning sheepishly at our audience. Nervousness bubbles inside me as I take in their reactions.

"Why are hell are both of you holding hands?" Amelia is the first one to ask, very blatantly, might I add as she sports an incredulous expression.

"Because that's what people in relationships do, I asked Athena to be my girlfriend yesterday." Ash answers, giving my cheek a peck. I, in return try giving him my best interpretation of a shy grin, fluttering my lashes.

Too much?

"Oh." Cass mumbles in a small voice causing both Ash and I to-almost eagerly-look at her. I suppress the urge to widen my grin, instead I ask "Are you not happy for us?" faking a slightly hurt expression.

"N-no! I mean I-it's just sudden so I was a little confused." She assures but I see right through the act and do a victory dance internally, Ash is probably doing the same as we speak.

Before I can reply the door slides opens yet again and in comes Brayden, looking as effortlessly handsome as ever, he chose the full sleeved blue polo shirt today, the front slashed with a diagonal band of red and the Waterford crest over his heart

His two favourite chains dangle from his neck and on his arm, his leather jacket rests. The bell rings in symphony to Brayden ploping down next to Amelia, huffing out a sigh.

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