26 | Heartstrings

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- talking to the moon - bruno mars-

a t h e n a

IS IT POSSIBLE FOR one's heart to simply burst from an onslaught of emotions?

No, it isn't. I checked. But it sure feels like it.

I consider myself a fairly stubborn person. When I truly put my mind to something, I see through to it.

As it seems, that is not the case when it comes to Brayden King.

Yes, the bracelet was very thoughtful. It had made my breath catch and smile wide as I'd gone through the personalised charms. I even made sure to wear it to school today.

Not even mentioning that note.

And the tickets had me squealing like a tween in regards to their favourite boy band.

But nothing could have prepared me for what would transpire after I enter the King household and find it completely empty. No Catherine, no Nate and Nick and no staff.

It seems even Brayden isn't home, I quickly overlook the pang of disappointment that thought brings by taking the stairs two at a time. Opening the door, I make a beeline to my closet to change out of my uniform but a big black box placed on my bed makes me half in my steps.

Excitement bubbles in me as I near it and gingerly pick up the note placed against the red sating bow.

6 pm. I'll be waiting, Blue.

I bite my lip to suppress the smile trying to break free. My nerves seem to heighten as I untie the bow and open the box. This time, I don't get to control my reaction at all.

My gasp is loud in the quiet room. My hands are eager yet hesitant at the same time as I lean to take out the article of clothing.

Luscious maroon silk that feels incredibly soft in my hands, my eyes take in the thin spaghetti strapped dress. The bodice is a corset top, one that will no doubt hug the waist snugly before loosening only slightly to fall to the ankles.

That's not all though, a wide slit runs up the side, promising trouble. It's absolutely gorgeous.

I place it down and take about a dozen pictures that I send to the group chat I share with Cass and Chlo.

Me: Speechless.

Chlo Is The Cutest: Holy shit, Brady's pulling out the big guns. It's going to go down tonight, mark my words.

Cass Is Cuter: He really is, poor guy had to endure two hours of going through dress after dress. He thought pashmina was an exotic name for a woman.

Me: Excuse me!? You helped him pick this out?! And you didn't bother to mention it?!

Chlo Is The Cutest: Yeah, what the fuck Cass. I get the secrecy with Thena but why was I left out?!

Cass Is Cuter: Okay hold back your exclamation and question marks, Brady texted me to help him and I did. The dress was entirely his choice, I just guided him by giving him the names of some boutiques.

Cass Is Cuter: And before you two start again, need I remind you that Athena has to actually wear the dress and get ready for whatever Brayden has planned?

Chlo Is The Cutest: Letting you off the hook only because I'm rooting for these two.

Me: This isn't the end of this discussion. And stop messing with my phone's contact names.

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