12 | The Sleepover 0.1

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the sleepover 0.1

- electric - alina baraz ft. khalid -

a t h e n a

"ARE THESE FOR SIX year olds?" Chlo voices as Cass, Chlo, Amelia and I critically examine the colourful clothes layed infront of us.

"Yes!" Cass groans "It was either these from the kids section or lingerie and before anyone says anything it was not meant for a pg sleepover." she glares at Chlo who was about to open her mouth again.

I sigh, contemplating how I should approach this.

Knowing that there is next to zero chance of avoiding this is the key factor that makes me give in and announce quickly "Dibs on Cookie Monster." I snatch the tiny blue cropped pajama top and shorts, hugging them to my chest.

On the bright side, both the top with Cookie Monster's big eyes on the hood and the shorts that would barely cover my ass, are extremely soft and comfortable.

Cass seizes the light brown corgie set and Chlo grabs the Unicorn set. I barely manage to control my laughter when I see the only pair remaining is a skunk..for Amelia.

"No way in fucking hell, am I wearing skunk pajamas." Amelia stomps her foot on the floor, thus once again commencing an argument with a fed up Cass.

But of course the redhead ends up winning so Amelia is left with no option but to change into the black and white set, a permanent scowl pasted on her face.

I now sit in the Cookie Monster pajamas which leave my legs and a wide expanse of my stomach bare, applying moisturiser on my arms infront of my vanity.

"Damn, today was fun." Cass sighs as she falls face first on my bed, sporting her corgie ensemble, sharing an amused look with Chlo through the mirror, I chuckle.

"Because a certain someone named Ash was too touchy feely with you." Chlo's lips settle in a smug smile when she joins Cass on the bed.

Cass's head snaps up, green eyes narrowing as she gives Chlo an evil look "Come to think of it, I still haven't punished the both of you for pulling a thing like this behind my back."

"Here we go again." Amelia mutters, her eyes glued to her phone.

I immediately spin around to face the girls, adorning a baffled expression "Need I remind you that we are the mere reason 'today was fun' and why someone couldn't take his hands nor eyes away from you."

Chlo nods her head vigorously, her horned hood bouncing behind her, she adds "Much to your joy. If we hadn't done this, who knows how mellow and longing gazes filled today was going to be."

Amelia huffs from the chair she's sitting on, I can hardly suppress my beam whenever I see her in the skunk set yet my amusement immediately melts aways when she states "I'm going to Brayden's room." and exits.

I completely ignore the anger that washes over me, instead taking a calming breath, I face the girls only to find them watching me with amused expressions and raised brows.

"Hmm, do you smell something burning Chlo?" Cass puts on a thoughtful expression, sniffing the air and putting on a show of grimacing. I pinch the bridge of my nose.

"How odd. I was just going to ask you the exact same thing Cass. It seems to be coming from there." Chlo replies, blatantly pointing circles in my direction.

"Ha ha ha. Very funny. Now stop." I deadpan, aiming a cushion at Cass which ends up hitting her straight in the face, she gapes at me as I laugh.

"This means war, Athena Gray." I squeal as she gets up and begins to run after me with pillows in both hands. I pick one up for myself, managing to land a hit on Chlo as well.

"We're supposed to be on the same team!" Chlo whines, joining in she hits me with pillows, resulting in the seams to open and cotton to leak out and coat the floor.

"Then hit Cass not me!" I shout in attempts to divert the blows, proving my alliance by hurling my pillow at Cass. I'm out of breath and panting when I finally look around the mess that is my room.

Planning a truce, I pull my hoodie up before turning to the door and calling over my shoulder "We're making cookie dough to eat with the five tubs of ice cream I bought earlier!" before skidding out.

The girls follow after me, animatedly discussing ice cream flavours. I try to take part in the conversation but the thought of Amelia in Brayden's room is persistent on bugging me.

"Which flavours did you buy?" Cass asks as she prepares the ingredients for the dough. Opening the fridge I read "Vanilla, Cotton Candy, Dulce de leche, Triple chocolate and Cookies and Cream."

"Triple chocolate?" Chlo gasps "Have I ever told you that you're amazing and I absolutely adore you?" she takes a picture of me with my Polaroid camera as reply with a grin "Yes but hearing it more often wouldn't hurt." then of Cass stirring the batter.

I place the freezing tubs out on the counter and that is when a lightbulb turns on in my head.

"I just remembered that Brayden might want one of these, I'll go ask which he'd like." I tell the girls before heading upstairs, thankfully this time without any teasing and taunting from them because their sole attention is on the cookie dough.

Not bothering to knock, I enter his room but I halt in my steps and every word in my mouth dies as I watch Amelia leaning beside him on his bed, their faces at a very close proximity, I can't see his expression but Amelia's grin manages to speak volumes.

Brayden's head snaps in my direction, his eyes meeting mine before they widen. I feel as though the very air is being being squeezed out of my lungs, managing to choke out "I'm so sorry." I excuse myself, resisting the urge to run out.

My chest aches as the image of both of them lying together plays on and on in my mind. The girls look up when they hear my steps and all the amusement in their expression fades away upon seeing me.

"What's wrong?" Cass questions, looking at me with worried eyes. I shake my head with a small strained smile and decide to steer the conversation by saying "Now that the snacks are done can we finally commence our movie marathon?"

Both of my friends decide to not bug me, sharing a look they nod in sync. Carrying the tubs of ice cream and a large bowl of cookie dough, we once again enter my room.

Turning on Netflix, I browse through the vast selection of movies before choosing How to lose a guy in 10 days.

Laughing with the girls makes me temporarily forget about what I witnessed earlier but the image still threatens to come back again when Amelia saunters in the room halfway through the movie. The smirk refusing to leave her face.

Deciding on the fact that I shouldn't be feeling such petty things-especially for Brayden-I turn my focus back to the movie and try to enjoy tonight with the girls as much as possible while devouring cookie dough and dulce de leche

Still, at the back of my mind the thought of having feelings for Brayden scares me until it becomes all too hard for me to even think about him.


The next chapter is a good one guys
Also, which ice cream flavour is your fav?
My days are going by in a blur and I'm scared that summer will end soon!
I really don't want it to end.
Hope you guys liked the chapter
Until next time

 Hope you guys liked the chapter Until next time Xoxo💙

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