5 | Wet Vengence

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wet vengeance

- not a love song - bülow -

   b r a y d e n  

JUST LIKE AN EVERDAY ritual, I meet Ash and Luke at their lockers and we start to head to the cafeteria for lunch. Our cafeteria lunches were now becoming more frequent, not that I minded.

The glass doors slide open as we enter the cafeteria, cool air and the scent of coffee greets me. A blonde haired cheerleader blocks my way with a smirk, handing me a piece of paper before sauntering off.

Refraining from voicing my disinterest, I simply put it in Ash's pocket "A token of friendship." is all I say.

"Oh, I have one of those as well." Ash searches for something in his blazer pocket before taking his hand out and showing me his middle finger  "Found it." Luke's laughter immediately follows the action.

I give him a saccharine smile, he simply takes a seat next to Cass, ignoring me. The girls are already seated, their food of preference infront of them.

Athena's back is towards me and I can only see her brown hair as she takes a sip of what I'm assuming is a berry slushie.

She gets up, making my gazing halt abruptly because when she turns around I'm right behind her and it takes her by surprise resulting in the freezing purple content of her glass to spill all over my uniform.

"Fucking hell Athena, are you blind?" I yell, managing to grab the attention of the whole population currently present in the cafeteria. Looking down, I pull the shirt away from my skin as the cold liquid spreads more and more over my white shirt.

"Well excuse me for not having eyes at the back of my head and you were in my way." She drawls out the words as though I'm an adolescent, her eyes fierce with accusation. This is not the time to admire eyes, it's still her fault for not looking where she was going.

"Were your eyes on a vacation? Instead of a sorry you're pointing fingers at me." I glare at her and then at Ash and Luke who continue laughing like hyenas. My attention snaps back to her when I notice her grinding her jaw.

This girl really is something.

"Oh I'm so sorry that your legs are immobile and fail to get you out of person's way when their blocking it." She snaps causing me to gape at her incredulously. I turn to the girls who look at us with evident amusement lining their faces.

"Did you girls be-friend a psycho?" I point not so discreetly to the fuming girl infront of me. Her mouth drops at my statement while both Cass and Chlo glare at me but Lia graces an expression of bordem.

A mixture of a strangled and alarmed sound escapes my throat at the sensation of a freezing cold liquid sliding down my hair to my shoulders. I whirl to look at Miss fiesty to see her smirking at me, one hand on her hip as the other holds the now empty plastic cup.

Oh now you've fucking done it Blue.

Even louder boisterous laughter flows from Luke and Ash joined in by the girls' chuckles. I growl, fury dancing in my veins as I move towards the smirking she devil.

Upon taking a closer look of my expression she moves back with alarmed eyes but before I get the chance to say or do anything to her she walks out-fucking walks out-of the cafeteria.

Leaving only the sound of her boots slapping against the marble floor as she leaves.

Not a moment later, I stride out of the cafeteria after her, no longer in the mood for lunch.

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