31 | Surprises And Scares

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surprises and scares

- love, or the lack thereof - isaac dunbar -

   a t h e n a  

I TEAR MY EYES away from the glass windows which display a clear view of the retreating sun.

My head falls back against the couch with a shaky sigh. The past forty two hours have only consisted of zoning out and sleeping.

My mind is a tangle of thoughts which only continues to grow messier the more I sit lifelessly and think about the 'big fallout' as I've dubbed that day. Staying cocooned in blankets on a couch and barely eating takeout is nothing remotely positive.

I can only imagine the string of colourful Russian curses Master Petrov is going to viciously mutter when I eventually drag myelf to practice in only a few days.

I don't even know where my phone is, the last thing I remember is shutting it down and tossing it somewhere.

Indeed, isolation and remorse make a crippling combination for not only one's mental but physical health as well. Missing him is an ache deep in my heart that shows no sign of healing.

My eyes water just by the thought of him and what he must think about me, however, as luck would have it the apartment echoes with the melodic ding the bell which makes me startle.

Blinking away tears, I get up from my designated position on the couch, my legs feeling akin to jello as I walk to the door while my heart races with the possibility of seeing Brayden standing outside, making every nerve in my body buzz.

What I don't expect, as I open the door is to be greeted by a party of five teenagers with arms and hands full of bags and floating colourful balloons.

A mouth parts, my eyes frantically taking in the sight infront of me.

"Yikes, are you planning on auditioning for the walking dead potato because those bags under your eyes could get you some serious brownie points." Luke starts, snapping me out of my state of shock and garnering an emotion other than melancholy from me.

Wirh a glare at the blond I mutter "Gee thanks." my voice coming out raspy "What are you guys doing here?"

"Let's do the maths, shall we?" Ash steps forward with a grin, the balloons in his hand floating forward with him "Colourful balloons plus overpriced ice cream plus five wickedly good looking people equals...?"

He looks back at the rest of my friends enthusiastically, awaiting an answer and acting as though he's the new host of Press Your Luck. He gets a reply from Chlo "A cheer up committee!"

Amusment makes my lips twitch but I shake my head in disbelief "How did you idiots know where I was?" I ask, still trying to take everything in.

"It slipped past Amelia's lips." The curt sentence and harsh tone makes me turn to Val, any hints of mirth quickly replaced by guilt. If the cold indifference he regards me with is any indication, he is beyond livid at my behaviour and myself.

"Won't you invite us in?" Chlo questions, her lips stretched in a soft smile, as an answer I nod, opening the door wide for my friends to enter "Of course, I will."

"You'll have to excuse the mess, I still have to unpack." I hastily add as their eyes take in the very unwelcoming and very much untouched apartment.

"It's perfectly fine Athena. We came here to see you, not your new place." Cass speaks up for the first time and just hearing my friends infinitely gentle voice makes me want to hug her and break down in tears.

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