33 | The Summer Gala

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- the summer gala -

- get lucky - daft punk ft pharrell williams -

a t h e n a


She rolls her eyes, throwing her hands in the air as an act of exasperation "To answer all of your unasked questions." she starts a no doubt rant-like answer.

"Yes, Brayden will be at the gala. Amelia is not with us because she already had her dress specially made for her by a personal designer. No, there is no way in hell that I am going to let you sit this event out."

She pauses to catch her breath before questioning "Did I miss something?" the redhead gets her desired answer when I cross my arms and slump even more in my chair.

Chlo on the other hand does not hold back, asking "Yeah, the part where you tell us how you got our sizes." Cass' lips stretch into a smirk at the sentence "Baby, that's for me to know and you to stay oblivious to."

Another question regarding how much longer we'll have to wait is about to come out of my mouth but I don't get the chance to voice it because a woman clad in a black dress rushed to us. The two embroidered C's on the breast pocket glimmer under the lights.

"Ladies! I apologise for the wait, it's chaos here with Cece having her auction today in Hilshire as well. Anyways, my name is Juliette and I'll be helping you with your gowns today." She informs us, gesturing further into the store "kindly follow me."

Getting up in unison, we trail behind Juliette, walking through the boutique which Cass had told us belonged to her mother's good friend-an extremely accomplished and well-known designer, Cece-she'd also expressed how much she looked forward to doing an internship with them once she graduated.

The porcelain floored space that cascades of early daylight looks absolutely gorgeous, with its accents of golds, crystal chandeliers and rows on rows of gowns it was a thing of dreams.

Pushing aside the navy velvet curtains, we enter an enormous circular room. More curtains cover countless changing rooms and right in the middle of everything are three raised circular dais.

Black couches are scattered throughout the room for viewing.

"Your dresses will be here right about..now." As if on cue three mannequins adorning astounding dresses are rolled out from one of the curtained rooms.

Cass, Chlo and I stand rooted to the floor in utter awe as Juliette guides the team of girls to cautiously take off the dresses. Once the dresses are eased off the mannequins, they're brought to us.

"This very playful article is for Miss Hill." Juliette hands Chlo the lavender dress, pointing to a changing room and giving her a gentle push in the direction, an employee goes with her in case she needs assistance.

Chlo turns to wink at us before vanishing through the plush curtains.

Anticipation makes Cass practically bounce on her heels as our helper hands the redhead the peach number "Miss Clark, something glamourous for you, as always." She smiles widely when Cass skips to her assigned changing room, the employee assigned to her chuckling.

"And lastly, Miss Gray." I speechlessly run my eyes over the blue dress she holds up "Cece would have added this to her femme fatale collection had it not been a custom piece. There's your changing room." She points and I only nod before walking into it.


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