18 | Wake Up Calls

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wake up calls

- what if i told you that i loved you - ali gatie -

a t h e n a

I WAKE UP TO BRAYDEN and Val sleeping soundly.

While holding onto each.


I blink, trying to rid my mind of the white haze of sleep and once I manage to do so, a hand flies iver my mouth in attempts to mute my laughter.

They're both cuddlers.

And that's adorable.

Somehow both of them managed to roll off of their beds in the dead of night and are now on the floor clutching each other for dear life. Probably because of the cold floor but I'm keeping that to myself.

Shuffling for my phone, I quickly capture a picture..or nine of the duo. Never am I letting either of them forget this moment.

Last night after my...realisation, I bad rushed straight to our hut, surprisingly falling asleep as soon as I had tucked the heated blanket around myself.

Yeah, that revelation still isn't sitting well. How could I possibly like Brayden? Of all people, my heart just had to pick the biggest asshole.

But at the same time, I can't seem to help it. I always want to be around him, with him and everytime I see Brayden and Amelia together my blood starts to boil at the mere sight.

Stifling a groan, I get up and pace around the room. It's seven in the morning and I'm positive none of my friends are awake at this ungodly hour, naturally, instead of boring myself to death, I come to the conclusion of torturing everyone else by waking them up.

Looking around, I find a discarded black hoodie on the floor and immediately grab it, pulling it on without another thought. The delicious symphonic scent of cedar and bergamot invades my sense, leaving no doubt in my mind who the article belongs to.

Contemplating if I should take it off or not, I settle for the latter because it's too comfortable and the scent is too damn good to take off.

I decide to conquer Luke, Chlo and Amelia's hut firs, tiptoeing inside with the stealth of a spy-and managing to trip twice-I press play and start belting out to the theme song of "Ghost busters"

Yelling on top of my lungs I mange to earn a heavy string of curses from Amelia and Chlo. Luke ,however, stirs with a groan before he gets up and starts to dance and sing with me.

A hysteric laugh spills out of my lips when Luke spins me around, all the while he barely manages to open his eyes. Chlo throws pillows at us but we somehow manage to dodge them, well at least I manage to dodge them.

Luke happily topples on top of Chlo, yelling "Ghostbusters!" until we're sure both the girls are up and glaring at us.

After a short yet earful interlude of cuss words and complaints, I explain my plan, it takes some coxing to get the girls to agree because they're still looking at their beds with longing but they eventually agree. Luke, on the other hand, nods immediately- reminding me of Jupiter.

And so we move onto the happy couple.

For the lovebirds we plan to wake them up by scaring them. I hold up three fingers, gesturing for them to yell when I get to one and that's when we bellow in unison "Earthquake!"

"Wake up it's an earthquake!" Chlo exclaims, clapping her hands and managing to add so much urgency in her voice that I think she might need to shift careers from Arts to Dramatics.

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