8 | Deals And Dimples

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deals and dimples

- softcore - the nbhd -

a t h e n a

SWEAT TRICKLES DOWN MY back yet I keep moving my body to the rythm of the music. I glance at my reflection, adrenaline pumping through my veins with every movement I make.

Letting out a bubble of laughter, I let the melody take over me and guid my steps. I've been in the dance studio for about an hour now.

Ballet and dance itself has always been a strong passion of mine-it's almost a necessity-this is the first time I'm dancing since my parents' death and  after my first penché, I had not been able to stop.

The music begins to fade until it stops entirely, making me fall to my knees.

Panting, I look down at the floor. Ballet had always been my outlet. Whenever all the pent up emotions good too heavy to handle, I danced them out.

I've been told that Waterford has strong connections with some of the most prestigious ballet schools, becoming a part of their ballet team could be a straight ticket to institutions like The Royal Ballet School or School of American Ballet.

Of course that would only be possible if I actually join the team and this far ahead, I'm not so sure.

The bang of the door being viciously opened causes me to jump, whirling around I meet furious blue eyes. Standing to my feet I wince at the ache in my calves and thighs and look at him with confusion.

"Do you have any idea about the amount of times I've called you?" He grits out in a dangerously low voice which makes my already quick pulse faster.

"My phone was on silent and the music probably muted out the vibrations." I reply, gasping when he strides to me and grips my bare shoulders.

"Next time you pull off something like that, tell me beforehand because I don't want to be responsible if you go fucking missing. I've been looking around for you for more than an hour Athena." He rages, his voice getting higher and higher, making me flinch and guilt to coil in my stomach.

"I completely forgot that you were my ride back." I mumble not being able to meet his eyes. He releases my shoulders and turns away from me.

He scoffs "Clearly." then "Get dressed and meet me outside." That's all he says before leaving, I hurridely move to take off my pointe shoes, gathering my things, I go out-not bothering changing out of the sports bra and tights.

He halts his pacing when he sees me, eyes going over my form, I only stand there as he grinds his jaw-Brayden makes it a point to stomp all the way to his car.


The car ride was spent in utter and complete silence because both Brayden and I were in no mood to talk to each other after our argument.

The only sound to be heard was humming engine of his Lamborghini Veneno as he raced home.

And as soon as we enter the house, we go our separate ways, him to his room and me to mine. The twins were spending the day with their aunt which left the enormous house in silence.

There never is a dull moment with Nathan and Nicklaus around. They hate it when I call them by their full names, which only makes me do it more. I've grown greatly fond of the two troublemakers.

Sighing, I enter my room, tossing my bag on a chair and heading straight for a bath but I abruptly stop in my tracks when Ash gets up from his laying position, closing the Stephen King novel he was reading and facing me.

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