29 | Slap Of Reality

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slap of reality

- you - benny blanco, marshmello, vance joy -

   b r a y d e n  

NEARLY A MONTH HAS passed since our date in Venice-since Athena and I sarted dating and to say everything has been perfect would be an understatement.

This is the happiest I've been in a long time. Waking up next to her, making her laugh till she cries and banters that end up in make out sessions are only some of the things I don't plan to let go of any time soon.

Our friends rivalled our own happiness at the matter, when we had made it official a lot of "I knew it"s and "I called it"s had followed, though their role in why I now got to call Athen my girlfriend was unmistakably crucial, in one way or the other, each of them had brought us closer.

And I will never not be grateful for that.

I perk up when the music changes, marking the commencement of act two. My lips part slightly when Athena walks out from the darkness of side stage to right into the centre spotlight.

I hear gasps and murmurs go around the vast room.

Athena's decked out in a sparkling ensemble, the sleek blush coloured bodice flowing into a tutu of varying shades of creams and pastel pinks. Her locks of caramel are pulled back into a bun with a tiara atop her head in accordance to her role.

Still, the thing of utmost beauty is the dazzling smile she displays for everyone.

Music notes pick up just as she begins flowing through the steps, on stage her personality-her sensuality bursts through into the most vibrant picture of an astoundingly beautiful soul.

I can't take my eyes off her, watching as she moves to the magical sounding notes of the celesta filling the massive auditorium.

She possesses the ability to captivate the audience's attention simply with the way she fluidly and gracefully executes each move and leap.

My breath catches, much like the glitter on her tutu that sparkles in the light as she continues to glide across the whimsical looking stage.

My heart clenches with something like pride but much more at the sheer talent she exudes.

The music descends and Athena's movements slow, the auditorium comes alive with boisterous clapping, so loud that Chlo actually winces at the sudden noise but nonetheless brings her fingers to her lips to join Ash and Val in whistling.

Something in me propelles me to my feet, my hands beginning to hurt due to the force of applaud yet I don't give a damn because she deserves it-and infinitely more.

We stay in our seats once the whole performance wraps up, waiting for everyone to slowly file out in order to avoid the rush. Only getting up once we spot dancers slowly emerging from behind the stage.

My friends are stary eyed, still raving about the show, I chime in every now and then but my eyes keep flying to the thick red curtains.

"There she is! Athena!" Cass waves her arms animatedly as soon as she spots my gorgeous girlfriend, her arms holding up a bouquet of various flowers.

Athena's face lights up when she spots us, her grin widening even more when our eyes connect.

I meet her halfway, taking her in my arms-raising her feet off the floor and making her half shriek half chuckle "You were so fucking brilliant up there, Blue. Absolutely mesmerising."

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