16 | Unannounced Plans

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unannounced plans

- paycheck - new hope club ft rookies -

a t h e n a

"THIS WAS AN AMAZING surprise Val." Catherine smiles at the blond haired boy sitting next to me who, in turn, grins broadly.

Catherine and Damon were back, as enthusiastic and lovely as ever. They're in an even more ecstatic mood because their nephew, Val, finally decided to visit them.

This morning I'd woken up to a very angry Brayden pinning a very shirtless Val to the wall and to say that I was confused would be the understatement of the year.

It was only later when Val had explained everything and Brayden had stomped to his room that everything had begun to register.

Both the cousins were a spitting image of each other. From the sharp jaw to the lightly tanned skin. The only thing that set them apart was their hair, while Val's hair was the colour of the morning sun, Brayden's was as black and dark as the night sky.

The eye colours were another trait that set them a part, both the shades mesmerising and unique in their own ways. Braydens a few shades darker and stroked with hues of smokey grey and black, so at par with Val's sprinkled flecks of electric blue and pale emerald.


Yet so different.

Even now, while Val has that contagious grin on his face, Brayden adorns a scowl.

"Athena?" My attention snaps back to the breakfast table only to find Damon expectantly looking at me "I'm sorry, what?" heat blossoms on my cheeks when I smile sheepishly at him.

"I was asking how you feel about your groups trip to one of Ashton's island." He answers kindly but I find my smile slowly fading with each word. My questioning gaze naturally trails towards Brayden who only shrugs as an answer.


I'm still not on talking terms with him.

"I didn't know it even existed until about now." I look back and forth between Catherine and Damon, a little unbelievably. Why the hell wasn't I told anything about this?

"Well, I'd advise you start packing because you're leaving at 2pm and your friends must be arriving soon." Catherine grins at me while I still fail to grasp the situation.

"Mom can we go with A as well?" Nate tugs his mothers hand which causes me to smile at him, his twin soon follows, pleadingwith wide puppy dog eyes "Please mom, can we?"

"Leave these boring teenagers, we'll all go camping together. Our outing will be so much better than theirs." Damon pipes in, to which the twins frown, turning back to their pancakes with those adorable pouts still intact.

"They clearly want to hang out with the cooler crowd." Val whispers in my ear and I chuckle nodding in agreement. Ignoring Brayden's glares, I turn to Catherine as she says "Careful young man, you're sleeping under my roof."

I can't help but let my smile widen as I look around the table. From the time I stepped into this house, not once have these people let me yearn for my parents' presence.

They've kept me so happy that the gaping wound my parents' death left me had started to heal without even realising it.


"You could've at least informed me about this." I grunt, stuffing my bag with multiple bikinis and practically any article of clothing I can grab.

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