17 | Private Islands & Threesomes

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private islands & threesomes

- ruin my life - zara larsson -

   a t h e n a  

GRITTING MY TEETH, I try to ignore both Brayden and Amelia's laughter but try as I might, I've been failing miserably for the past hour to do so.

Sighing through my nose I get up and move past them to the rear end of the boat. Not looking back, I simply rest my forearms on the cool metal of the railing and close my eyes.

The refreshing breeze mingled with the scent of salt water kisses my cheeks, ruffling my hair and for the first time since I got on this boat, I feel relaxed.

It's been nearly two hours on this boat and to say that I am bored would be an understatement. Brayden and Amelia are too busy flirting, Chlo is busy sun bathing, the happy couple is somewhere inside one of the rooms doing I don't want to know what, Luke is in the kitchen stuffing his face and Val is taking a nap because of the jet lag.

Val, as I've been told, visits the Kings whenever he gets a break from his school, he's told me so much about the french named Ailes Blanches Academy, between his descriptions and the pictures I've seen, it's safe to say that I'm jealous of my friends learning institution.

Val also told me about how he tries to extend his stays for as long as possible but each time he always ends up going back to New York because he's "never found something that keeps him grounded in Malean"

The concept still confuses me but if there's one thing I've learned it's that chaining down the force that is Valentine King is impossible.

"Wherever I look, I see blue. Kinda tired of it by now." Brayden's voice makes my eyes flutter open, I don't look at him as he mimics my pose.

"I thought you liked blue." I monotone, gaze still fixated at the blue water surrounding us. By now all the ease that had taken its sweet time to settle in me is replaced by stiff, tension ridden muscles.

"I get bored easily." I feel him shrug beside me and it ignites my anger all of a sudden. I've had enough of his cold behaviour. We were doing just fine and then all of a sudden he turned into the ice queen and that too for no reason.

I'm about to unleash my fury but he manages to cut me off as he drawls "We're here."

And just like that the boat slows to a halt and Brayden saunters off, leaving me all alone.


"Okay so we're going to have to give Athena the tour tomorrow some people are too lazy to walk even after they've been eating and napping the whole day." The pointed glare Ash trows at Luke dosen't seem to faze the latter in the least.

"Day after that is a water day, the next is for a bonfire. Any objections?" Rubbing his hands, he looks around at everyone but before anyone can speak even a word, he announces "Perfect."

The sun has long taken its refuge, leaving the sky a gorgeous shade of lilac tinted with salmon hues and blue strokes while the sea seems to now appear black from where I view it. The air grows colder by the second.

The gang and I would be spending our nights in enormous canvas made hut like structures that are parked on permanent platforms not too far from the shore.

They're equipped with running water, soft linens, firepits and even a porch. Everything from heated blankets to Wifi is at our disposal for however many nights we intend to glamp here.

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