1 | New Beginnings

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new beginnings

a t h e n a

"I'M GLAD YOU'RE READY to take this step, Athena." Harvey says, looking away from the mansion I had spent seventeen years of my life in, he gives me an encouraging smile.

The estate practically screams "Famous actors, Dawson and Jade Gray." from it's modern architecture, Saffron Crocus garden to the luxurious interior with its marble fireplaces and Givenchy chandeliers.

I had been sheltered in this glamorised pillared house since the day I was born, the world had no inkling that the deeply-in-love couple had a heir and my parents intended to keep it that way, thus, they had kept me away from everyone, in a distant town, but even that didn't stop them from being lavish.

Yet their true home was not here-had never been this three floored property-it was right in the heart of Malean City.

And that was when I had learned that a golden cage is, infact, a cage nonetheless.

I try to ignore the wave of pain tainted anger that flows through me at the thought of my parents never taking me to Malean, not even when they themselves went on routinely two week trips.

A retelling of Rapunzel herself, a scoff settles on my lips at that thought. If only I had been half as abiding as she had been in the earlier years, that and my parents weren't the living embodiment of Gothel, in fact, they were the opposite. Never holding me back.

Not even once.

Snapping back to the present, I turn to shake Harvey-my lawyer's-hand, looking at him with gratitude.

He had been immense help to me for the past three months, the wintry months I had spent weeping and staying in a warm cocoon also known as my bed.

He was the one who had guided me through this mess, informed me that my parents had left me in the care of the King family, had something like this to ever occur.

Their house is, surprisingly, in Malean and Harvey had persuaded me to move there because of his strong belief that the livelihood of the energetic city could help me move on.

I had no family left and in these three months Harvey had acted like the older brother I never had. So until I turn eighteen and find my own proper house or apartment I'm staying with the Kings.

Catherine King and I have already had a long conversation and she is beyong kind and enthusiastic to have me staying at her place, while here I am still trying to wrap my head around the idea of staying over at another family's place.

My parents never told anyone about me but Mr and Mrs King were the only exception they made, or so I've heard.

Both my parents' families were not the most accepting of their choice of marriage and chosen career, so I have never met my said family as they practically abandoned my parents and they sure as hell won't be accepting me with open arm.

As for the question why my parents kept me a secret, I know the reason to that and I never want to go down that road ever again. The mere thought makes me shudder.

"It's time I start to get my shit together. Thank you so much for all your help, Harvey. It means a lot to me." I confess, returning his smile and truly wanting to convey all my gratitude.

He wraps me in a hug which I return whole heartedly. I've been finding myself needing more and more of these ever since my parents left me.

"You don't need to thank me for anything. I hope the area is to your liking and that you find hapiness in Malean. It's time for us to head out otherwise Samara will skin me alive." He starts to look around for his brief case and keys.

We walk out but he spins around to face me once again, a solemn look now etched on his face in place of the wide smile that was there seconds ago. 

"Remember Athena, only Catherine and Damon know that you're Dawson and Jade's daughter, their son has no inkling. A word of advice to you is that you should try to get close to the people there and let them in. You'll feel much better that way." He squeezes my shoulder and I somehow manage to give him a curt nod, even accompanying it with a strained smile.

I don't think I'm ready to tell anyone that the now gone famous duo were my parents, mostly because I know what could happen if they spread the news.

Harvey starts the car and soon we drive off, sighing, I look up at the sky to see dark clouds gathering and threatening rain. Closing my eyes, I lean my head against the window.

The King's house is in a community on a hillside, apparently all the rich and regal lived on this very hillside. It's known for its safety and scenic beauty and my parents, being billionares, had also dubbed the place their home once when mom was pregnant.

What would it be like, to live with a group of strangers and yet call them family and act as though you're a part of them?

I'll be starting a completely different life tomorrow, new lifestyle, new school and new surroundings.

This is all for my betterment and despite myself a bubble of anticipation floats in my chest at the thought of a fresh start but the other part of me still clings to all the memories that were spent in that house with my parents.

It still feels as though they aren't gone and instead are just on another one of their shooting trips but the reality is very different from the illusion in my mind.

I push the memories away from me as I feel wetness greet my cheeks.


That's what they are now, nothing more, nothing less.

I'll never get to see them again, never get to relish in their warm embrace, never get to pull funny faces during family photographs.

The last thing I remember before slipping into slumber is the pitter patter of rain drops and being covered by something warm.

Here's to new beginnings!
Sooo how do we feel about the first chapter?
I hope you liked it
Until next time

☼ 𝘼𝙐𝙏𝙃𝙊𝙍'𝙎 𝙉𝙊𝙏𝙀  ☼Here's to new beginnings! Sooo how do we feel about the first chapter?I hope you liked itUntil next timeXoxo💙

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