19 | Cupid's Assistant

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cupid's assistant

- summer feelings - lennon stella ft charli puth-

a t h e n a

I DON'T HAVE A single clue, not even an inkling as to what got over me when I first bought this particular bikini.

While I've never particularly been the most conservative with my clothing, I also am not the type to put my skin fully on display with blinding confidence and an equally dazzling smile.

Though today seemed like a good day to start and this bikini must possess magical abilities because I can't help but feel confident in it.

Which, hopefully, will only add to the 'stunning Brayden' plan.

Seeing Amelia's face will just be an added bonus.

My eyes run over the two piece black strappy bikini. It not only hugs every curve of my body perfectly but also accentuates them, the tan I've gained during my time here only adds to the pros.

The only con is that the bikini is just a teeny bit too strappy.

The small black fabric over my boobs is held in place by numerous straps which tie around my neck leaving my back mostly bare. To match the top, the bottoms crisscross down the sides as well.

"Had I not had an emotional attachment to male hands, I'd totally do you." Chlo comments from where she's sprawled on my bed clad in a periwinkle monokini.

Cass follows in immediately, nodding "Hell yeah, I second that notion." she looks down, a sad expression contouring her face "Unfortunately, I'm very much in love with my boyfriend." and seeing her in that pink halter bikini I'm more than certain Ash will return the sentiment tenfold.

Replying with a sigh, I spin to face the girls "That is truly unfortunate. If only my tastes did not revolve around idiotic self absorbed men either." we share amused glances, Chlo gets up "Well we can't keep dwelling on 'what ifs' ladies."

Chlo comes to stand beside me, Cass falls in step "Shall we head out and show your boys what they're missing out on?" the redhead looks from the blonde to me.

I grin "We certainly shall."

Before I have the chance to change my mind, we step out of the cool hut and into the blinding light of the sun. It's barely been a secind and I already want to run back inside, though not because of my clothing-or lack there of-but because it's way too damn hot out today.

A loud wolf whistle steals my attention, making my head turn to my right, I squint in order to make out Val swaggering over to me with a broad grin which I can't help but mimic.

And I barely manage to hold in my laughter at the sight of Amelia's face, any higher and her eyebrows would soom reach up to her hairline.

I move my eyes to Brayden, only to find his mouth slightly ajar, those eyes scan every inch of my body painstakingly slow and making my insides knot when he swallows, his adams apple bobbing.

Finally, he meets my eyes, leaving me with clear view of his now much much darker stormy blue eyes, my body reacts accordingly by sending delicious timgles of warmth throughout my body, awakening every nerve.

This was so worth it.

Words get exchanged between the gang yet I pay no heed to them, all courtesy to the look on Brayden's face. I do gather though, that we're now starting our trek to the waterfall I've been hearing so much about.

Five minutes into our walk an arm slings around my shoulders, Val pulls me close to him, leaning in to whisper "I've decided to help you."

"Enlighten me what exactly?" I question, raising a brow at him while my arm circles to rest on his toned back.

The golden haired boy brings his lips close to my ear and I feel him smile as he mumbles "With my stupid cousin." My eyes widen as I pull away from him in utter shock and glance back at Brayden who seems to be scowling at the ground.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Idiot. Idiot. Idiot. Of course he knows, Val somehow seems to know everything about everyone.

"Really? I didn't expect you to play the "oh I'm so dumb I didn't know that tomatoe is a fruit" card." He rambles in a single breath and I turn to give him a weird look.

"You're being delusional Val." I mutter, I crossing my arms over my chest grumpily because in truth both of us know that I'm the only one being delusional.

"And you need just a dash of jealousy to make Bray Bray realise his feelings for you. Luckily for you Cupid sent his best employee right to your doorstep. So let me do my magic." He pokes my cheek to which I swat his arm in return.

However I end up actually contemplating what he just said. Jealousy brought Ash and Cass together. Maybe...just maybe I will have some luck in this matter. And maybe Cupid's said assistant would be that luck.

After all the thinking...I did want to give "Brayden and I" a try. So with a begrudging nod from me and a smirk from Val yet another game begins. 

   b r a y d e n  

Why the fuck are Val and Athena being so...touchy-feely?

It's annoyingly frustrating to watch both of them prance around, Val being half naked and Athena..well Athena just had to put on that black bikini.

Glancing up, I watch Athena throw her head back and laugh at something Val must've said and resist the urge to march there kiss her senseless.

I take a deep breath and fully sink into the water, letting the refreshing fluid cool me. Staying in this tranquility of dulled out yells and swaying water my mind feels infinitely calmer than it had for the past three shitty days.

Those three days without having conversations with Athena, watching her laugh and tease me were more torturous than liked.

And seeing her with Val just added fuel to the fire that was already thriving in my head.

Feeling my lungs burn, I break to the surface and run a hand through my hand before deciding to dry off but a scream makes my head snap up so fast I'm surprised I don't end up pulling a muscle.

My eyes widen and my heart starts to pulsate with great vigour as I helplessly watch Athena trip down the high cliff.

She falls straight into the water with a monstrous splash and before I can register anything else I start moving towards her, shouting her name.

Diving into the water without another thought I barely manage to make out her body through the lense of blue haze and grab her, quickly breaking through the surface along with her.

I watch her in a delirium of emotions as blood trickles out of her ear.

I barely manage to control myself, the mere sight is too much for me because my heart feels as though it's being sqeezed. I stride out of the water, my feet start to race and my mouth utters a string of words that my brain doesn't care to fathom.

All I care about is Athena and her safety.

If I'm being completely honest, I'm not the biggest fan of how this chalter turned out.
I don't know what it it but it feels lacking and I'm sorry about that but honestly right now I have right about zero will power to figure out why
Gotta love being a woman and the God awful cramping every month :)
I still hope you liked the chapter
Until next time

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