27 | Sunny With A Chance of Melatonin

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sunny with a chance of melatonin

- affection - between friends -

a t h e n a

I FEEL AS THOUGH a thirst in me is being quenched with water after what seems like an eternity.

In that split second before his touch every nerve in my body and brain is electrified. It's the anticipation of being together in a way that's more than words, in a way that's so completely tangible.

Being wrapped in his arms is an incomparable feeling, the wave of emotions that trap me in a vice everytime he touches me is irreplaceable.

But the hesitation in his actions, the uncertainty in his stance makes me pull away "Stop it." the warning in my voice is stark-even with need coating the words-causing alarm to slightly widen those sapphire eyes, he whispers "What?"

Letting out a sigh, I caress his cheek, leaning forward to place a gentle kiss on his cheek "Stop feeling guilty." my lips move to his other cheek "Forget about it-about everything" then, his nose.

"It dosen't matter anymore because you have made me feel so full of happiness-made me feel so cherished that what happened in the past is nothing but a distant memory. Let's now focus on making new ones."

And lastly his lips.

My insides knot when he gives me his devilishly handsome grin, dripping with sinful mischief. I hold my breath when those fingers languidly brush up my arms, then toy with the straps that keep my dress in place.  

"As you wish." He whispers, sliding both the straps down my arms then and loosening the strings of the corset at the back corset. In a second my dress falls-a pool of red silk at my hips, the cool breeze caressing my bare and hardened nipples.

Blue eyes hungrily take me in, brightening as though the same fire burns even fiercer within him "Fucking gorgeous." And then he's on me.

Brayden's finger tips are electric, they must be, because wherever they touch, my skin tingles in a frenzy of static.

His lips brush mine. Not innocently, like a tease but hot, fiery and demanding. No guilt or hesitance now present in that action, only a burning passion.

My senses are seduced and I can no longer think straight because his hands continue to skillfully toy with me "Athena" he all but purrs, prolonging each letter as if to savor the feel of it.

He hardly calls me by my name but I'm more than happy to let him continue.

I move closer, flush against him in demand of more contact, rubbing my chest against the friction of his dress shirt and attaching my hips to his only to be met with an answering moan.

Brayden answers the demands I've made through the rolling of my hips and arching of my back and places a searing line of kisses down my jaw. To my collarbones. Even lower, to the valley between my breasts.

"My sweet wicked Blue."

I shudder, my heart drumming at his voice-deep and mingled with toe curling promises.

"I think we have a long night ahead of us." He repeats the words I had said to him the night we had first kissed. Pulling back, I lovingly trace the features of his face.

"You sure you won't forget me in the morning?" I quirk an eyebrow, my heart skiping a few beats when his eyes flash and he replies

"Never again."

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