35 | Love

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- i love you - billie eilish -

b r a y d e n

"WHAT'S GOING ON HERE?" My mother's frantic voice reaches me ears and I turn to look at both my parents now joining our party of three.

Upon seeing my parents, Mr Scott lets our a chuckle "Ah, look whose just decided to join is. Why Mr and Mrs King, I have to say, I'm a tad upset with you two."

My brows furrow in confusion as I glance back and forth between my parents and Mr Scott. Athena on the other hand, remains absolutely still and solely focuses on the ground.

"You kept Athena all to yourselves, knowing all along that she's my daughter. My very own blood!" He accuses, with glee lining his eyes and that wide grin still intact he closely resembles a madman.

His statement causes Athena's head to immediately snap towards my parents and my mouth to drop in disbelief.

"You knew?" She whispers, her voice raspy and thick with emotion.

My parents look helpless, a look passes between them before they confirm "We did." though they quickly follow with "But Athena this is the man who sent all those letters to you. Each and every one of those horrible letters was written by him."

Desperation is in their eyes and voice, a silent imploration for Athena to understand "How could we have told you that the very person who spent the most of your existence threatening both your mother and you was your own flesh and blood, your biological father."

Athena's eyes shine with agony and moisture, my own heart aches at the sight.

"Y-you were the one who sent all those letters?" She asks.

Russell Scott makes a dramatic show of throwing hos hand in the air.

"Yes. I wrote those letters, but it was only because Jade ran away with that bastard Dawson and married him. She kept you from me. Surely that is reason enough." Is his reply.

Just the way he replies, blatantly admitting to writing them with no ounce of shame, makes me want to harm him, the very fury he ignites making me tremble to restrain it.

"You threatened my mother! Threatened to break her bones, lock her up and fucking kill her! How could you expect her to stay and to just hand me over to you?" She yells, the tight lid she'd kept on her temper finally tipping over.

"Because of you I had to be kept a secret, completely hidden from the world. There, but not. Do you know what that was like? What it was like to lie through my teeth to the people I love? What it felt like to always look over your shoulder, in fear for your life?" Athena runs herself hoarse, she shakes her head, stepping back.

Her heel catches on her death and she would've been on the floor had I not rushed to her side and proped her up.

She winces but raises her head to meet my eyes, lightly placing a hand on my cheek as a silent thank you before looking back at the man in question.

"You were never a loving husband to my mother and whilw you may be my biological father, that title will only ever belong to Dawson. I don't ever want to see your face again. It's better if you keep your distance and stay out of my life." With that sentence, she breaks away from me and runs back in.

I spare one last glare at Russell and a single look at my parents before chasing after her.

I spot my friends scattered throughout the room, Ash and Cass talking to Ash's parents, Luke and Chlo dancing in an almost concealed corner of the room and lastly with Val playing the piano, his eyes closed as he looses himself to the tune.

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