20 | Eyes

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- ocean eyes - billie eilish -

   a t h e n a  

MY HEAD HURTS, my ears hurt-my whole existence hurts.

Stirring, I open my eyes, blinking against the harsh light in attempts to adjust to my surroundings. I hardly remember anything and waking up in an unknown room feeling worse than shit is not exactly the best feeling.

I turn my head, leaving a constant throb in my right ear as I do so, and find at Brayden's slumped form beside me in a chair, his head clutched in his hands.

The memory comes to me slowly, a gradual remembance of scenes as Val not knowing about my fear of heights convinces me to jump with him. Me, refusing and backing away. That's when I had tripped.

Tentatively, I raise my hand to my right ear, finding it stuffed with cotton. A light gasp is all it takes to alert Brayden, his head perks up with so much speed I'm surprised he dosen't end up snapping his neck.

My eyes meet agonisingly familiar pools of blue which seem to be overflowing with fatigue, the half moons under his eyes and disruptive form nearly making me gasp again.

Those eyes soften as they continue to scan my face and with a deep sigh he yet again buries his hands in his hair. I sit up with caution, gently prying his hands away to make him look at me.

Within seconds he envelopes me in a tender yet fierce hug which I return by wraping one arm around him while the other tangles itself in his silky black strands.

"I'm so so sorry." He mumbles and his voice cracks at the end along with my heart. His scent calms each and every nerve in my body and I silently tighten my hold on him.

"I missed you, Blue." He pulls away to look me in the eyes. Giving him a tired smile, I'm about to reply but a loud voice beats me to it "Ohmygod my potato's awake. Guysss she's up!"

Brayden rolls his eyes with a groan and I try to hold in my chuckle at Luke's antics.

"You better not be fucking lying like last night. You misplaced my bones by all the shaking." and that is definitely Chlo.

"I swear I saw her lashes move yesterday!" Is Luke's defiant reply before he stomps in the room closely followed by the others.

As each of them enter I watch their expressions morph into ones of relief and one by one they envelope me in careful hugs, well everyone except Amelia. However, I don't fail to notice a certain grinning blond's stark absence.

As if sensing my curiosity Val walks in meekly with a very big and a very prominent black eye, I gasp at the sight before giving a questioning look to my friends who all not so discreetly point at the man himself, Brayden King.

Giving him a glare, which he returns with an indifferent look, I'm about to yell profanities at him but Val interrupts me by saying "I deserved it."

My mouth falls open and I shake my head "Like hell you did. You didn't know about my fear of heights and I tripped by my own clumsiness!" I argue but he only gives me a small smile.

"No, I should've asked you." He replies and I can see the guilt in his blue eyes which makes me feel like shit. Again.

"Stop it Val." I reprimand, hearing Brayden mutter like a toddler "No need to get so defensive." I swat him, not so gently might I add.

"You ruined his handsome face!" I glare at him once again, this time he settles for a roll of his eyes and I contemplate strangling him "Don't worry Thena, the ladies will love it." Ash comments, his smirk making an indentation appear on one cheek.

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