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Seojoon didn't have to, but the kind alpha accompanies Taehyung to an omegan centre that exclusively helps and supports abandoned pregnant omegas.

They travel in a bus to Daegu where the centre is located.

Seojoon takes a leave as soon as Taehyung enrolls in there.

Taehyung was provided with basic necessities: a bed, clothing, food and medicines.

Though the pain in his heart was excruciating, he didn't let it consume him.

He needed to stay physically and mentally strong for the sake of pup's health.

He meditated for hours, ate healthy food and exercised regularly.

Jeongguk surely gave him infinite gifts in their four month relationship but the one he was carrying inside him is undeniably the most precious of them all.

There wasn't a moment he hadn't missed his mate.

Though Taehyung couldn't mind link to the members of Moon pack any longer because he no more belonged to the pack, he tried to communicate with Jeongguk through telepathy.

Every night before he went to sleep, he shared with his alpha how the day went.

'I had my weekly check up today, the doctor ensured that my pregnancy is normal with no major complications. But ggukie, I feel nauseous all the time, I have this weird cravings every now and then. Don't even get me started with my mood swings. I wanna be cuddled and pampered all the time. Wish you were here to take care of me and the little ggukie growing in my tummy'

Taehyung made a pouty face as he mentally talked to his mate.

He still held onto a tiny hope of meeting Jeongguk again.

What if Haru miraculously changed her mind and tells Jeongguk about their pup?

The sane part within him knew Haru can never change.

But that didn't make him give up on his hope of seeing Jeongguk ever again. He thought of meeting his alpha after the baby was born.

He could, maybe, hide the pup somewhere very safe where nobody could reach them and then visit his pack to expose Haru.

His mind thought of endless possibilities of how he could reconcile with his mate.

He doesn't want to live alone forever. He doesn't want his pup to be brought up as a rogue.

He can't let his child face the same fate as he did, which was growing without a pack.

They lived in a judgmental world, an alpha dominated society. A pup without their other father would simply be tagged as a bastard.

Taehyung stomach sinks as he thinks about it.

He shakes of the terrifying thoughts for now, his first priority was to protect and wait for his baby to come to the world.


9 months later; The doctor gave him a date for the caesarean surgery. It was a week from today.

He'll be delivering the pup on the same day Jeongguk will be appointed as the head alpha.

They had a television in the maternity ward which kept the omegas informed about all the happenings in the world and Taehyung followed Jeongguk's news.

Apparently Jeonnguk wasn't made the head alpha as soon as he turned 21. It seems Junghyun sent him on a tough special training for an additional six month period as a punishment for disobeying his own pack law.

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