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"Are you staying tonight" Jeongguk asks Taehyung later after dinner.

"Will go back"

The alpha purses his lips, checking the time. "It's 1am" he reminds.

"Yeah and that's alright, wouldn't want to sleep here and scare others" Taehyung laughs jokingly.

"I'll drop you then"


When Jeongguk brings car keys, Taehyung suggest they take a walk instead and the alpha obliges.

They set on the journey back to the cabin, roads deserted, street lamps guiding their path and gentle breeze hitting their faces when Taehyung starts thinking if it's the right time to talk to Jeongguk or not.

And to his relief, Jeongguk himself brings up the topic.

"Didn't you say you had an assignment"

"Well about that, yeah" he nods. " therapist said I need to get off some things of my system before we move onto next stage in therapy"

"I'm all ears, go ahead" Jeongguk hums, hands in the pockets of his shorts, continuing the walk alongside the omega.

Taehyung exhales heavily. Recalling the essay, and his throat suddenly feels sandpaper dry.

Something hefty settles in the pit of his stomach but he manages to force a smile as he opens his mouth, robotically spitting the words he prepared.

"I...I don't hate you Jeongguk." He slowly begins with a lie. "You're a great person, a perfect head-alpha, son, partner, father, brother..."

Jeongguk halts in his footsteps, burrowing his eyebrows.... great? perfect? HIM? Since when?

He turns to face Taehyung, incredulous.

"And whatever turbulence we had with each other in the previous months was solely because of me, I'm sorry for the mean behavior towards you. I was carrying burden of the past and behaved rudely to everybody around."

Jeongguk's frown deepened. "Tae what are you—-"

"Hey let me finish, just 5mins or else I'll forget the lines" he smiles, and that very fake smile was lowkey infuriating to Jeongguk.

Nevertheless he nods giving him a sharp look and letting the over-enthusiastic omega to continue.

"I want to address each issue so we both can get a closure and finally move on"

Jeongguk wasn't liking it, those words stung... but he also feels Taehyung needs to be heard. He wants to listen to what the omega had to say.

"As I said you're a great father, I trust you with Mihee now. We could keep her for equal days and never fight over custody."

Jeongguk snorts, irritation growing with every word coming out of Taehyung's mouth.

"I'm okay with staying in the pack so none of the pack members have to worry about my safety. I'll live in the cabin and for a living I intend to start my own crocheting business soon.."

"...I promise not to create any drama again and ruin your chances with others like I did in Bukchon."

"Are you done?" Jeongguk huffs bored, rolling his eyes.

Taehyung blinks confused, a little self consciousness creeping within.

He had anticipated a pleased and welcoming outcome from Jeongguk and now, he couldn't comprehend why the alpha was getting frustrated with him. However he pushes those thoughts aside and goes on...

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