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Taehyung, as usual, was selling vegetables at the market when a familiar voice calls him.


He snaps his head up to look at the man and breaks into a wide grin upon seeing his alpha friend.

"Seojoon hyung" he breathes out.

"So it's really you" Seojoon returns the grin. "How have you been?"

"Very well hyung, what are you doing here?"

"We live in Daegu now"

"What about your pack?"

Seojoon let out a humorless laugh "My mate and I were banished too, they feared we might spread the truth so Soohyun gave us the money and warned us to never be seen in Gwangju or Busan"

"I'm so sorry" Taehyung mutters.

"Nothing to be sorry about, we're living a happy life."

"Good to know, where do you live by the way?"

"15miles away from here, I saw you from afar and wanted to confirm if it was indeed you" he smiled at the omega.

"Hyung, I'm leaving for lunch in sometime, would you mind waiting and joining me?" Taehyung offers.


The omega shows Seojoon his two-roomed house and then they go to a famous food joint a street away for lunch.

The weather was pleasant so they chose outdoor dining.

Mihee was on her way back home from school.

She was passing the same street where Taehyung and Seojoon were eating.

Her brows raised high when she saw Taehyung talking and laughing with an unknown man.

It warmed her heart to see her appa happy and whoever the man was, she already likes him.

She was at a distance staring at both of them.

Having finished the lunch, Taehyung and Seojoon exchanged numbers and parted.

Mihee got a complete view of the alpha male, he was so tall, muscular, his smell evident as he was nearing her.

Was he who she thought he was?

She liked his smell.

It is said that pups love and find an unexplainable warmth in their parents scents.

Mihee wouldn't say the man's smell was extraordinarily good but it wasn't bad either.

She carefully approached him, hopes building up in her chest.

"Hello sir" she calls and Seojoon turns to look at her.

"Hey pup"

She gives him the biggest grin, looking at him with heart eyes, she might as well end up crying happy tears if he turns out to be her dad.

"Do you know him?" She points out at Taehyung, who was now at the other end of the street, facing away from them.

"Yes I do, what about him?"

"Are you his m-mate?" She asks hopefully.

Seojoon chuckles and shakes his head "No pup, I'm not, do you know that uncle as well?"


Now that he isn't her dad, she felt there was no need of correcting him.

"Yes" she nods her head "How do you know him?" She continues the talk, not as interestedly as before though.

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