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A month later....

"Haven't stopped smiling the whole session, aren't your cheeks hurting?" Hajoon, Taehyung's therapist asks teasingly.

It was Taehyung's last session today and the omega was radiating nothing but happiness throughout his talk as he shared his previous week's stories.

"Can't help, just too elated"

"I can see that." Hajoon smiles back. "You look happier and content than anybody i've ever known. I monitored your progress and it's good to find out you made a complete recovery."

"Ah yes" Taehyung grins. "I cannot believe i reached a point in life where i no longer have nightmares and am able to sleep peacefully for more than twelve hours a day"

"Twelve hours? Are you serious?" Hajoon narrows his eyes. "I hardly get 6hours, why am I suddenly jealous of you?"

"Let go of the stress and you might be able to sleep too. If you ever need me to counsel you, i can do that" Taehyung jokes and they both burst into a fit of laughter.

Hajoon was beyond glad, not many of his consultants showed such level of progress. He finishes the final paperwork and hands it over to the omega.

"Hyung, since my therapy is over, I would love if we could still keep in touch"

Hajoon chuckles and nods. "Ofcourse, we could catch up anytime you want, Taehyung. Also, heard your pack throws some great parties. Do invite me over"

"Surely" Taehyung beams, getting up from his seat and waving him a bye.

As soon as he gets out of the building, his face splits into widest grin upon seeing his alpha waiting for him.

He looks dashing as ever in a black turtleneck shirt and tight pants hugging those enticing muscular thighs.

Taehyung practically runs to him and throws his hands around his neck, standing on tippy toes.

"All done, love?" Jeongguk asks, holding his mate close.

The omega nods, detaches from the hug, both now leaning back in for a soft peck on the lips.

"It's finally over" Taehyung says as they part. "The amount of crying I did in this building, never wanna come back" he declares, reminiscing the draining therapy days.

Jeongguk smiles softly, opening the car door for the omega to slide in. "You wouldn't need to, I'll make sure you remain the happiest"

Taehyung blushes at the cheesy statement. They drive to a nearby restaurant and later drop by for grocery shopping.

"Tae, do you remember the promise you made" Jeongguk asks on their way back home.

Taehyung looks at him in thought before it clicks, he nods his head slowly. A faint smile on his lips.

Jeongguk lips curve up too.

A few weeks ago when the alpha asked Taehyung if he wanted to move into his room, Tae said he would immediately do after finishing the therapy.

So as soon as they reach the mansion, the omega keeps up his promise and gets into action. He declutters the unnecessary baggage and packs the needed clothes before heading towards the alpha's bedroom.

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