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"The amount paid to halt the transport to Busan that evening was 50M Korean won, gguk" Hoseok proceeds to say.

Jeongguk's eyebrows draw together, frowning deeply and blinking his eyes owlishly.

That's a lot of money.

"Strangely the buses and taxis traveling to Busan only in the vicinity of Taehyung's house were canceled, that too just for one day."

"According to the cops report they were traces of the killer's scent from the Bus station to the lonely street where the omegas were attacked. He waited till he found them at a deserted place and only then did he implement the plan so they don't get help from anyone around" Hoseok details.

"That Bastard..." Jeongguk growled and slammed his fist on the desk, displacing the things on it. "Who could it be hyung?" he seethed.

Hoseok took in an inhale, voice drooping extremely low and hoarse.

"Somebody close to him or us. Someone who knew Taehyung was visiting the pack."

Jeongguk's senses grew alarmed, he turned as stiff as a rock, suddenly even more angry and terrified.

"Can you tell who all knew about your birthday and Taehyung attending it?" Hoseok asks.

"No one hyung, literally nobody, not even a single soul from our pack knew Taehyung was coming except our family. Just the 8 of us. It has to be someone from Taehyung's side."

"I think so too" Hoseok hums. "Are you aware of any conflicts Taehyung has with his acquaintances?"

The younger shook his head blankly.

"In that case we need to investigate further, we have to know every person who got in contact with Tae recently and also learn if he has a beef with someone at his workplace."

"Should we tighten the security around the pack?"

"It'd only alert the other party, let's keep it a private affair for now"

Before Jeongguk gives an approval nod, they hear knocking on the door.

As he opens it, he sees Namjoon standing on the other side a little worried.

"Taehyung is crying in his sleep again" he notifies.

Jeongguk's eyes widen and hurries to Tae's room, telling Namjoon that he could go back to sleep.

"I'll take care of him" He later informs the nurse and she leaves, giving them privacy.

The head alpha's heart sank when his eyes lay on Taehyung's face.

There were a couple of lines in between his brows and a stream of water flowing on the sides of his eyes.

His scent was worse than what it had been back in the hospital when he cried in sleep the other day.

Jeongguk's heart goes out to his omega.

He sits down next to Taehyung, taking his hand in his.

Whatever the omega's internal turmoil was, Jeongguk's determined to put an end to it.

He tunes his scent, releasing calming pheromones before leaning close and whispering into his mate's ears.

"Hey tae, It's okay, hm? Can you please relax for me?" He mutters lowly in a soothing voice.

"You're safe tae, I'm here to protect you" The head alpha continued, lips faintly brushing against the omega's ear lobe.

"I'll not let anyone come near you, there is nothing to be disturbed about, yeah?"

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