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Taehyung was undergoing a surgery when the head-alpha barges into the hospital growling, his pained thundering growl echoes within the closed white walls of the Medical building.

He restlessly sniffs every corner of the hospital to find where his mate was.

Yoongi who hears Jeongguk first rushes in search of the younger so he could stop him from creating further nuisance.

And when he meets his dongsaeng, an alpha as fearless as Yoongi, shudders looking at the blood-shot eyes and strong barred teeth of their leader who had his tongue hung out, saliva dripping from his mouth as he snarled impatiently.

Jeongguk appeared menacing, ready to kill, but if you observe deeply you can feel the extreme trauma the alpha was going through, there was immeasurable pain in his eyes.

Yoongi understands the situation and approaches Jeongguk cautiously.

"Gguk, Taehyung will be fine, can you please shift" he says softly.

Human form can reduce the intensity of the emotions Jeongguk was feeling and Yoongi wants just that. He needed Jeongguk to act rational and not instinctual.

However the black wolf barks in return, refusing to transform and pads to where Namjoon's scent was coming from, assuming Taehyung was there too.

He was right. As he neared Namjoon, he could catch the traces of his mate's scent and figured out the room Taehyung was in.

He howled and whimpered restlessly and head-butted the door of the operating theatre in desperation.

Namjoon steps forward, a low growl rips out of his throat, warning Jeongguk to stop doing what he was doing.

"Behave gguk, Taehyung is in a surgery, this is a hospital for fucks sake" he snaps at him.

The commanding tone of his hyung made the adamant head-alpha halt his movements, he dejectedly goes to a corner and sits on his paws, panting and waiting for the door to open.

He sobbed silently, dreading the outcome of the operation, didn't Namjoon say he was critical?

His chest constricted, he prayed and wished for Taehyung to be alright.

After hours, which felt like decades, the doctor tells Namjoon that Taehyung made it alive.

"We're glad that he didn't slip into Hypovolemic shock despite the blood loss. Thankfully his organs remain untouched too. He is still in observation and need time to gain consciousness."

Jeongguk who hears this, jumps to his four feet and races inside the room ignoring the doctor's pleas to stop.

He cries seeing his mate on the bed, eyes closed and motionless, a ventilator supporting his breathing.

The alpha surges forward to lick Taehyung's cheeks with the slick tongue of his, out of adoration and love, indirectly asking his omega to wake the fuck up.

Namjoon wanted to pull his hair out at the way Jeongguk was behaving with no control.

The nurse was scared to interrupt the wolf, but she realizes the alpha's pained pungent smell would only cause more distress to the omega's mental condition.

She whispers the same to the head-alpha, shakily. Jeongguk nods in understanding and gets out of the operation theatre.

He directly goes to the bathroom and transforms to his human self.

"Gguk are you alright?" asks Yoongi who was shocked to see his puffed up eyes and red cheeks.

"I'm fine, did you talk to Hoseok hyung? How is Mihee?" He croaks out.

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