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Jeongguk pushes the door of the last room and turns on the light.

The alpha's dangerous scent hit Mihee like a ton of bricks as soon as the door swung open.

It was a level of dominance she was totally unaware of. A level that seemed too much for her to handle.

Jeongguk's eyes darted around the room speedily.

As he couldn't find anything suspicious, he turns on his heel to leave but makes a sudden stop when he hears a faint sound.

His ears perked up. He turns around and checks each corner of the room once again with alarmed senses.

And then...

He hears it again.

A whimper

His eyes soon fall upon the laundry basket, which in no time started shaking slightly.

He wonders what it was in there that's making the basket move.

With each step he took forward, the whimpers grew louder.

Mihee could sense Jeongguk's gaze on her. She knows that he found her.

A cold wave spreads through her bones. The poor pup was petrified.

Her tiny heart pounded so hard against the ribcage, listening to Jeongguk's footsteps approaching her.

She uses every ounce of strength to bite back the whimpers but failed terribly.

The whimpers soon turned into high-pitched shrilled screeches as she feels the alpha's shadow tower over her.

Jeongguk was now standing right in front of the violently trembling basket, his eyebrows pulled into a deep frown.

He crouches down and without wasting even a second he yanks off the black cloth covering Mihee's face.

The little pup let out a frightened yelp.

Jeongguk's frown disappears, his eyes went wide.

He looked absolutely stunned and speechless at the sight of a tiny adorable white pup.

Mihee slowly lifts her ducked head, slightly up, taking a peek at Jeongguk. Her body was shivering, voice crying out for help as she glances at the alpha.

Red eyes meet quivering blue eyes.

Jeongguk cocks his head, lost in daze for a moment.

He could instantly feel a weird connection between them. An unexplainable fondness engulfs him.

He sniffs hard, his inner wolf a bit disappointed as it couldn't get any trace of the pup's scent.

His eyes roam around the omega's face, taking in the soft features.

The pup's gender remained unknown.

He doesn't know why he was so enchanted by the little stranger wolf.

His alpha at the very minute unknowingly creates a bond with the white cutie.

Not too long after, he suddenly comes out of the trance when his mind registers the pup's loud cries.

Only then does he realize how shitty he's acted a while ago and feels like an absolute arse in the world to have scared a pup.

Never had Jeongguk cursed or hated himself so badly like he did at the moment.

He could only imagine the trauma the poor pup must've gone through upon smelling his highly intensified scent and hearing his alpha voice.

He immediately tunes down the scent, his eyes got back to normal and starts releasing calming pheromones.

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