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A very short filler chapter. You can skip it n u wont miss any story. I'll try to post the next chapter soon.


Taehyung is called for family breakfasts, lunches or dinners every other day but he only ever visits when he wants to spend time with Mihee.

Walking, especially in the evenings was refreshing so he usually rejects the pick up offers. But sometimes Jimin shows up out of nowhere to give him a ride, and today is one of those days.

"Let's go let's go" Jimin clapped excitedly as he barged into Taehyung's cabin unannounced. "I cooked the meal for tonight and can't wait for my soulmate to taste it" he states proudly.

"Give me like 10mins, Minnie."

"You are still in pajamas?" he huffs, crossing hands over his chest.

"Sorry sorry. I didn't know you were coming, will be right back" Taehyung leaves for the bathroom to freshen up and change clothes.

It took him a good 15 minutes to return and when he comes back Jimin was staring at him as if he were a ghost.

Taehyung frowned at the sudden change of behavior. "I grew two horns or what? Why you staring?" He jokes.

"What is this tae?" Jimin shows him a file and Taehyung's breath hitches.

"It's nothing—-"

"Stop lying... you're going to therapy? And your fucking referral is who? Jeongguk?"

"I can explain"

"I don't need any" Jimin snaps. "There's a whole ass paragraph on referral observations. Now what does that asshole want to prove? That you're some unstable, insane person and he what? A savior?"

"You're getting it all wrong Jimin" Taehyung tries but he also understands where Jimin was coming from.

The two omegas upbringing was in a conservative care center, where mental issues were frowned upon.

Only after Jeongguk explaining him and after talking to Hajoon did he understand that it is beneficial to seek professional help when things go out of control.

"If someone needs therapy, it's Jeongguk, for being a dick to you" the older omega seethes. "You're perfect tae, why is he treating like there's something wrong with you" he sighs, voice dropping low.

"If you read the file in detail, you wouldn't be accusing Jeongguk." Taehyung cuts in. "The last thing I wanted was for you or Mihee to worry about my sleep experiences. It got worse Minnie, and Jeongguk was here when it happened"

Taehyung continues to explain to Jimin since when he'd been experiencing. "They were not too terrifying before. But it's gotten graphic"

The omega also tells what he sees in them. It is always his death or Mihee in danger or sometimes just weird noises and sounds.

He speaks about weariness he feels in the mornings after the sleepless nights, the desire for getting better but at the same time hopelessness consuming him every second.

Jimin cries softly after hearing it all.

"Can I ask you something tae?"


"She traumatized you for life, didn't she?"

Taehyung freezes, shifts his gaze cos he couldn't answer.

"I don't want to talk about it"

"Just admit it Tae, she fucking ruined your peace and happiness and my biggest fear is that the bitch is still alive and breathing the same as we" Jimin grits, shaking his head helplessly. "You know, sometimes I feel I shouldn't have called you for my mate ceremony in the first place"

Taehyung goes silent, letting Jimin continue.

"I can't tell you how many times I cried myself to sleep regretting our fates. I wished you've never met Jeongguk. So what if you remained mateless, atleast you would've been happier." He breathes out "Was... was Jeongguk worth all the suffering Tae?"

"He is...." Taehyung answers immediately without a second thought. "I do cherish our memories Jimin. Don't know how to put it but we shared this very strong...burning passion for each other. I still remember the words he whispered into my ears every night, he used to keep saying how much I meant to him. The ownership and possessiveness were insane that it all felt too good to be true." the omega chuckles humorlessly.

"We lacked understanding and situations didn't support us either. He was in training most of the time, and with Haru's incident our budding love halted and like how they say people change, Jeongguk did change a lot since then. He isn't the same 20 year old." Taehyung smiles sadly at the memories. "But I'm happy that I met him, Jimin. He was worth everything I've been through and more. There were times I thought of moving on from him, getting a new partner.... you know, for security purposes, but then I felt i can never like anyone as much as I liked Jeongguk. Maybe it's the mate bond we had that's influencing my mind but I don't know what it is.... I'm just rambling at this point...."

"I spoke to Jin hyung about your relation. He still strongly believes you guys are meant for each other." Jimin smiles, presenting different point of views. "I do too but sometimes I'm scared. I worry if he'll knowingly or unknowingly hurt you again. I don't know what to do anymore. Is there something I can help you with to free you from all pain and get my childhood chirpy, happy friend back?"

"For now let time do the healing I guess. I want to be happy too, maybe who knows the therapy sessions would do magic and turn me into your old friend"

"I wish for that too"

Taehyung smiles brightly. "If not for others, I'll try it for you. Don't want my Jiminie crying ever again" the younger pouts.

"Thank you"

They share smiles, and with much more clarity from before and new instilled hope, they leave for the mansion.


I have a tk story sitting in my drafts for a while which I wrote for myself long ago n never intended to post. Would anybody be interested in it... i just wrote like 7-8 chapters. If anyone wants to read it, will edit n post so u have something to read while i work on princess updates slowly :(

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