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"Why did he have to embarrass me like that. I feel so ashamed" Taehyung whined for what Jimin recalls, a thousandth time. It was early afternoon, they were in the pack's market, stopped by to purchase local crafts.

"Who did what now? Will you tell what exactly happened?" Jimin grits annoyed.

The younger omega shuts up at that. He couldn't tell Jimin how his wolf acted up the prior night.

When he woke up in the morning, face pressed against hard chest, tatted hand wrapped over his belly and with the rich mineral scent of the alpha assaulting his senses, Taehyung's wolf sighed dreamily.

He wished to remain stagnant, lost in the warmth of his mate's embrace but a part of him forced himself out of Jeongguk's hold. He rushed to leave the hut before the alpha opened his eyes.

And since then, Taehyung had been wanting to dig a hole and burrow himself deep inside.

He should never had let his instincts cloud his senses.

He sulked internally for his careless and clingy behavior.

Pushing the bothering thoughts aside he focused on the bracelet Jimin was showing him. It was beautiful, made of some hard metal and tiny pebbles. He smiled holding it in his hands when his breath hitched suddenly.

The omega smelled him, he snapped his head up meeting Jeongguk's eyes instantly who was standing not too far away, watching him unblinkingly with corners of his lips twitched up.

Taehyung's heart skipped few beats, and then it pounded violently. He definitely was not ready for a confrontation and escaped as quickly as possible leaving a very confused Jimin behind.


The evening sun began setting in the far west. The pack was gathering up at the clearing, their usual meet up place, for commencing the mate ceremony.

As per the tradition of Bukchon pack, the newly mated couple receives blessings from the elderly and later travels to a lake nearby.

They were accompanied by other couples, who all pray to the Moon goddess for happiness, fertility, togetherness and longevity in their relationships.

As Jiwoon and his mate arrived, the crowd parted aside, making way for them to be seated at the center of the clearing.

The wide shy smiles on their faces, excitement for the future, reminded Taehyung of his ceremony.

He could see himself in them, young and naive Tae was also excited, he held too much hope for a bright life filled with love.

But situations only left him with a wounded heart that probably cannot be healed in a lifetime.

As he was lost in thoughts, a huge laughter erupted from his side. Hoseok and Jimin were clutching their stomachs and were laughing their asses out.

And the reason being Jin and Namjoon. They showed up wearing Bukchon's traditional clothing, the brown one piece rolled around their bodies covering from top to bottom.

Honestly, it was really funny, Taehyung couldn't hold back too.

Namjoon cheeks turned as red as a tomato with embarrassment. Jin passed a deathly glare asking them to shut up because they were gathering too much attention.

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