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"Yes boss, it's confirmed. Park Seojoon spilled everything"

"Fucking Traitor" Soohyun seethed over the phone. "Update me what's going on there, quick" he ordered.

"Luna is safely escorted out of the pack by one of our members. She left as soon as Seojoon was brought in for the investigation. The head alpha is alone in the garage while Seojoon, Namjoon, Jimin, Hoseok are waiting outside."

"Alright, Inform all our members. There's a change of plan. The focus is Jeongguk and not Taehyung anymore"

The guard understands and hums. "When?"


"It's risky"

"It's more risky if he doesn't die soon. Only if he is eliminated can we get out of the trouble, Moon pack will become powerless. I don't care how many of you would sacrifice your lives, all I want is Jeongguk's end now."

"As you wish, Alpha"


Jeongguk composes himself, on his wobbly legs he attempts to stand up.

The anger is very much present, but right now it was dominated by his desperation to see Taehyung.

He wishes to fall to his knees and apologize to his omega for being proven incapable of protecting him.

He timidly walks out of the garage room, at a 2 meter distance stood the members awaiting Jeongguk's arrival.

He presses his lips into a thin line, embarrassed due to swollen face and disheveled hair, however makes a move towards them when Namjoon eyes suddenly goes wide and terrified.

"Gguk" he sprints, screaming.

The man who spoke on the phone earlier had a dagger hidden under his coat, which only Namjoon notices.

As the man was attempting to stab the Head alpha from behind, Namjoon surges forward, pushing Jeongguk to a side with one hand and stopping the male with another.

It all happens in a blink of an eye, the commotion led to the dagger slitting Namjoon's forearm diagonally.

"Holy shit" the deputy alpha cursed under the breath.

When the attacker hurriedly rushes away, "Get him" Hoseok orders his security team.

"Hyung" Jeongguk gasped while Jimin panicked when they see blood leaking from Namjoon's hand.

"Just a small cut, nothing to worry" The elder comforts them.


Hoseok without another word said stood next to Jeongguk, alarmed, scanning around for any potential threats. Even with the injury, Namjoon did the same, he guarded the Head alpha as they walked inside the house.

As the doors are locked, Jeongguk runs upstairs in urgency to see Taehyung only to be stopped by the nurse who tells him that the Omega unfortunately went through another anxiety attack and is given medicines which put him to sleep.

Jeongguk breaks into tears upon hearing this, how much pain will his mate have to go through more?

To take a look at him, he however knocks the door.

"W-who?" Comes Jin's cautious voice.


When he hears Jeongguk's call from the other side, Jin opens the door and crashes into his dongsaeng, hugging him.

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