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Jimin and Taehyung were the first ones to get ready, the bonfire and the tables, benches placed around it tempted them, greedy for some heat they went there and sat on a bench enjoying the sounds of the flares from the fire and birds chirping in the background.

To their misfortune, Seungwon was there too.

"Omega Jimin! Glad to see you dress up decently" a taunt was heard from a distance. Taehyung gulped. Only then did they notice him.

A few omegas covered their mouth as they giggled at the comment.

Jimin suppressed the urge to smash a bench in their face.

He swore Yoongi would have beheaded the head alpha if he were here.

"And who might this be?" He pointed towards Taehyung

"Taehyung, my friend"

"He's so pretty" Seungwon's mate, luna of Bukchon cooed, shutting up right away when Seungwon scowled at her.

"Are you here by yourself Omega Taehyung"?

Taehyung didn't know what to say.

"I-- my... d-daughter--" He stuttered.

Seungwon cuts him off, frowning. "What about your mate?"


"I d-don't hav--"

"A lone omega?" Seungwon gasps.

All eyes were on him, staring as if he grew two horns.

Taehyung wants to be anywhere, but here at that moment.

"Disgrace" He huffs out. "Omega Jimin, be mindful as to who you're friends with. A mateless omega with a child are potential home-wreckers, woo alpha for money and needs."

Taehyung was stunned at the horrid accusation. It stung his heart.

If it weren't for Jin's requests, Jimin would've chosen violence.

His hyung constantly reminded them that Seungwon was misogynistic and there is nothing they could do about it.

They can't react, give him a speech and expect him to understand.

70 years of mindset the man grew up with cannot magically change within a day or two.

Ignorance sometimes is indeed bliss. A reaction would lead them to nothing.

"I disagree Alpha, Taehyung is nothing but nice" Jimin settled for a diplomatic answer, getting a bitter snort in return.

The older omega held his soulmate's hand to comfort him and Taehyung latched onto it for his dear life, squeezed it tight, seeking support.

After an awkward silence and humiliating gazes, the rest join them.

Taehyung visibly relaxes seeing the familiar faces.

"My skin is dead bathing in the cold water in this weather." Hoseok starts his complaining session, taking a seat beside Jimin. "The bathroom had no roof top too and a bird was watching me all the time. I feel exposed" he pouts.

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