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Taehyung eyes flickered open lazily, his breaths slightly shortened.

"Jiminie?" He croaked out.

"You're going into heat Tae?" The older omega ran a hand through his sweaty forehead, eyes drawn together in concern.

It took few seconds for the words to sink in before Taehyung's breath hitched.

He was panicking suddenly. "How—- how is this p-possible? no, i still have a couple of weeks."

"Hey hey relax" Jimin hurries to say and an instant realization hits him. "Wait Tae, how did you spend your heats previously?"

"I take suppressants before their arrival"

Jimin gasps not expecting the answer. He thought the omega spent them alone, but never pegged Taehyung to be the one who suppressed heats with pills.

"You do know it isn't advised right? It isn't healthy"

"What do you expect me to do with Mihee around and no one to look after her in my absence?" Taehyung sighed weakly, nauseousness of the pre-heat slowly getting to him.

"So sorry tae" Jimin apologized, sympathetic. He adjusted the pillow, bringing him some water to drink. "I'll get you outta here before the full heat kicks-in alright? Let me bring Jin hyung"

Given it's Taehyung's first heat after so many years, Jimin knew the pain would be worse. They might even need medical assistance which might not be possible in Bukchon's pack.

It was still early hours of sunrise when Jimin rushed to Jin's house.

And leave it to Jin and Jimin to wreck chaos anywhere, these two were annoyingly loud, alerting their fellow pack members that something bad was going on.

Gladly their huts were separated from the residents of Buckchon, saving Taehyung from further embarrassment.

Namjoon, Yoongi walked out, fresh out of sleep. Hoseok joined them a few moments later, all stationed outside Taehyung's hut as they discussed what could be done and came to the same conclusion that of Jimin's that it's indeed better to get Tae back safely to Moon pack.

"Do you know when his pre-heat started?" Jin asked Jimin while eyeing Taehyung carefully.

"He was showing symptoms since last night."

"You said it's early heat right? I'm assuming Jungkook must've triggered it during their journey" Jin said pinching the bridge of his nose.

Jimin wasn't sure anymore, because even before that, Tae behaved weirdly.

"Considering preheat lasts for a day or two before full heat begins, we still have time to take him home. I'll ask Yoongi to get the car ready" Jin adds.


"Don't feel good, stomach hurts" Taehyung cried, he was having a hard time opening his mouth and letting Jimin shove fruits into his mouth.

"I'm here Tae, I'll take care of you" Jimin continues to murmur soothing words.

Feeding Taehyung breakfast didn't take more than a few mins, Yoongi jumped into the driver's seat as soon as he was told about the situation and was waiting for them outside.

Jin dumped Taehyung's belongings into the trunk and gave instructions to Namjoon and Hoseok to make up a convincing reason to Seungwon of his unplanned departure without taking Tae's name and to bring the kids home safely.

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