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Jin's stomach grumbles, he was hungry in the middle of the night, so he drags himself to the kitchen to fetch a snack but halts when he sees the store room light on.

As he neared the door he hears soft sniffles.

The oldest omega peeks inside only to find Jimin crying, leaning against a wall, knees hugged to his chest.

"Jimin?" Jin calls worriedly. "What are you doing here? Why are you crying?" In no time the eldest omega sprints to him, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder, sliding next to him.

"I'm helpless, hyung" the younger hiccups. "I'm a very bad friend"

"Bad friend? Helpless?" Jin asks, confused. "Jimin, I need you to relax first. We can talk later" He shushes him.

Jimin wipes his tears with the back of his hand, leaning his head on Jin's shoulder and inhaling the lovely scent.

He had always liked his hyung's smell. It was soothing.

A prolonged 10 mins later, Jimin starts speaking, letting out a shaky exhale.

He reminisces his old days.

"Did you know, hyung? When Tae and I were pups...not more than eight years i think, we were taken on a weekend trip by our centre. We were left in the national parks to run, connect to our wolves and hunt."

Jin hums encouragingly, listening.

"We were told to earn our own food during the stay. I managed to get a squirrel but Tae was so opposed to hunting. He starved for two whole days, even fought me when I chased a rabbit and saved it from me. He's a wolf for god's sake...but never hunted once in his lifetime because he didn't believe in taking a life against the creature's will."

"Yeah" Jin smiles softly, remembering a situation. "We were surprised too when he rejected the sheep, Jeongguk hunted for him as a courting gift and in return cried and scolded him for hurting the cute animal."

Jimin hums at the memory too.

"He is too pure for this world hyung. Always caring and loving. And—-" Jimin sighs. "I was never a nice person. Was cruel and selfish as a child. But being with him throughout my early years, i slowly changed. I started caring for people, other wolves, our housemates. I stopped hunting too, infact we both made so many little animals our friends. His goodness is infectious that I couldn't resist."

"So you mean to tell me you're a good person now?" Jin raises a brow, playfully.

"Am I not?" Jimin gasps, feigning offense.

They burst into giggles and Jimin sees the file sitting next to him, smile dropping.

"I can only wonder what he must have gone through when Haru threatened him, hyung, he was too young, naive. He must be scared to death" The younger's eyes well up with tears again.

"And the pain inflicted is haunting him even now. I need justice for my friend, hyung. Nobody understands his suffering like I do. I have known him since forever. I can feel his constant fear and pain." Jimin grinds his teeth. "If only I can kill Haru with my own hands. But.... but as I said, I can't. My nature will never let me harm anyone. I can't kill her, i lost my capability of inflicting hurt upon others"

"Haru is gone." Jin explains. "She won't come back and Tae is going to therapy too. Things will eventually get better"

"No hyung, you don't get it. Haru is physically gone but she hasn't left our minds. Tae still has this constant underlying fear that she'll come out of nowhere and harm kids. He won't say but I can see the scare in his eyes everytime she's mentioned" Jimin takes the file then, shows Jin. "Do you see this, she lives in North Korea. Our neighboring country"

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