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"You mean Park Seojoon?"


The way Jeongguk clenched is fists, jaw, muscles as he heard the name of the person he hated the most, made his veins pop out and visible over his skin.

"That fucking bastard is still in Taehyung's life?" He spat venomously "It's him hyung, I know it's him, he's the one behind this. He is a ruthless, fucking moron who snatches others mates, an insensitive fucker. I'm sure he was jealous that Taehyung was coming to meet me and planned the attack"

Hoseok was left speechless. Jeongguk being swept
away by emotions, keeping rational thinking at bay was nothing new to his three hyungs, but this time he felt his dongsaeng was going overboard.

"Not this bullshit again gguk" Hoseok groaned tiredly "You're projecting your personal hate and accusing him with zero evidence. As a head alpha you need to be more responsible of what you say"

"If not him then who, hyung? Didn't you say you found no one else, suspicious?" Jeongguk shoots back "Taehyung confirmed he's currently not with anybody, which means I think they broke up or something. Then why would this fucker go to his workplace to meet him?"

"Your points might be valid but it's not correct to assume shit without detailed investigation and proof gguk"

"Then arrange for an interrogation?"

"Fine, I'm bringing him"

"I'll be waiting"


Hoseok managed to obtain Seojoon's residence address with the help of his team.

Seojoon refused to go with them, the resistance and fear he displayed made Hoseok realize that he definitely knew something that they didn't.

The security in-charge instructed his alpha guards to get Seojoon into the car using force, showing no mercy. He didn't care at this point, the issue was serious and the taller alpha's protests left him with no choice but manhandle.

They even ignored Seojoon's mate's protests before shoving in the strong body into the vehicle and driving off.

Jeongguk arranged their meet in the garage as he in no way was gonna let the alpha step into his house again.

Jimin insisted he'd be there as well, since he had questions for Seojoon too.

Yoongi volunteered to guard Taehyung and the kids stayed with Jin while Namjoon and Jimin followed Jeongguk.


Seojoon, being the main suspect for now, was guarded with heavy security around him as he walked past the pack grounds and into the garage.

As soon as he stepped in, he was greeted with a hard punch.

Jeongguk got a grab over his shirt as he shook him violently "I'm gonna fucking kill you bastard" He growled violently.

Seojoon withheld his composure, he wiped the blood off his busted lip casually, looking back at Jeongguk unbothered and then with a smirk he responds "Action before talk I see, you haven't changed a bit"

This enraged Jeongguk more, his grip over the other man's shirt tightened, he was going for another hit when Namjoon intervened and pulled him back.

"You promised to behave gguk, we can't interrogate this way" He gives a tight squeeze to Jeongguk's shoulder.

Seojoon and Jeongguk were made to sit opposite to each other. The atmosphere in the room was tense.

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