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Chapter contains blackmail & emotional manipulation, if u're uncomfortable, you can skip and read summary at the end.

Taehyung had been feeling tired lately. He initially thought it could be general weakness but soon realized it's not that. He thinks he knows what it was.

He wanted to confirm it first before telling others, so he left the mansion to fetch some pregnancy test strips from the nearest pharmacy.

Unfortunately he hadn't noticed two hawk eyes, watching his every move.

When he got back and tested, the results came out positive.

The omega couldn't contain his happiness and waited for Jimin's return as the latter went shopping with Jin and Nayeon.

Taehyung wanted Jimin to know the news first. Jimin has always been the most important person in his life despite his mate's arrival. When Jeongguk whined over Taehyung's partiality towards Jimin, he funnily reasoned saying soulmates bond is stronger than mates bond.

The silence around him was interrupted by a knock on the door. He frowned thinking who it could be as there was nobody in the house right now except him.

He opened the door only to see a smiling Haru standing in front of him.

"Hello Taehyung"

"Hey Haru"

"I need to talk to you" she said politely, a complete shift from her usual demeanor.

"Yeah sure, come on in" he let her inside, not knowing this would be the most regretful decision of his life.

She made her way inside, sitting on a chair, while Taehyung sat on the bed.

She smiled at him "So Taehyung, let me guess, you're pregnant."

Taehyung gasped and being the innocent guy he is "How do you know?" he uttered.

"I just knew it" Haru shrugs, her smile turning into a smirk, now that her suspicion got confirmed. "By the way I have a question for you" her tone suddenly changed to a cocky one.

"What is it?"

"Jeongguk or the unborn? Who's your priority?"

"What kind of question is that?" Taehyung frowned.

"I'm asking who would you choose between your mate and your pup. Because you can't have both"

"What rubbish"

"It ain't rubbish Taehyung. You gotta choose one of them. You have no option"

"Please leave" he said, losing his patience.

"Well then be prepared to mourn over your pup" she spat acidly, standing up.

Taehyung's eyes widened at the blunt comment she made. "W-what?" He whispered in a broken voice, suddenly scared at Haru's serious undertone.

"I'm going to kill your kid soon" she let out those brutal words casually and Taehyung's eyes glowed deep blue, his omega instincts kicked in suddenly.

"How dare you?" He snarled, shaking in anger. "I'm calling Jeongguk right now" he shouted, reaching out to his phone.

"Go for it. Tell your mate and get me out of the pack. But that wouldn't change your child's poor fate, taetae. I have people who work for me secretly inside the pack. I'll have them kill the baby anyway"

"W-who are they?" He swallows the thick lump forming in his throat.

"You think I'm gonna tell you that? OMG! you really are so dumb" she mocked, laughing menacingly.

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