6.9K 376 33

Day 4

7:30 am

Mihee was missing Taehyung so badly that she couldn't fall asleep after coming back from the search.

She had been texting with Areum and Taehyung ever since.

She told her father that she was having a great time in the forest; a little guilt accompanied with every message she sent him.

'I love you and take care appa' was her last message to which Taehyung sent a 'love you too' in reply.

In the same minute, a sizzling sound came from the kitchen, which meant the first meal of the day was being prepared.

"Breakfast is ready" Mihee hears Haru say chirpily.

The omega soon opens the door a tiny bit and sees Haru going upstairs.

There was not even a single soul in the living room at the moment.

In any other case, Mihee would've stolen a part of the breakfast and eaten it.

But the pup refuses to eat food cooked by Haru.

She doesn't know why she dislikes the lady so much.

Haru for some unknown reason appeared wicked to Mihee's eyes. The hate was instinctual.

And the little girl wasn't willing to let go of any opportunity that came her way to express her dislike towards the wicked aunty.

She goes to the table and peeps into the casserole to see what's prepared.

She finds Jjajangmyeon, Black and gooey sauce poured over the white noodles.

Mihee grabs salt and pepper shakers on the table. She removes their lids and dumps them completely into the bean noodles.

She gives a quick mix and rushes back inside with the empty shakers in her hand to avoid any suspicion.


The members of the house join at the table for having the food.

"Jihun, Yerin, you need to hurry up sweeties, your school bus will be anytime here" Jin tells the kids, putting the food into their plates.

"Whatsup Haru, Heard it's you who made the breakfast today" Hoseok grins.

"Thought I'll make Jeongguk's favorite food before I leave for Gwangju tomorrow" Haru states, giving a sweet smile in return.

"For how long are you going?" The head alpha asks.

"Just 2 days"

Jeongguk hums, bringing the chopsticks to his mouth, taking in the first bite of the food.

He chokes on the noodles, spitting the peppery food into the bowl itself.

The alpha started coughing incessantly, his face flushed red, the burning sensation was crawling inside his nose and throat.

He doesn't waste a second and pushes away Yerin's and Jihun's bowls.

"Are you alright gguk?" Yoongi gives him a glass of water.

Jeongguk gulps down the water in one go.

"What the hell was that Haru?" He shouts in a strained, rugged voice.

"What's wrong alpha?" Haru asks blinking her eyes confused.

"It's fuc—-" Jeongguk bit his tongue to avoid cuss words as the kids were listening. "It's loaded with salt and pepper. Why don't you taste it yourself?" He grits out.

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