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As Jeongguk shouldered the responsibility of mentoring Taehyung, he took off from other duties, focusing on training Taehyung.

Taehyung was handed over bulky documents that ranged from subjects like History to Law and Geography to Diplomacy.

Accounting was supposed to be easy for him as he had been handling money well in his previous job but looking at the pack accounts, all he could do was sigh tiredly. There were too many zeroes and the assets and liabilities' totals were making him dizzy.

"You have been staring at the same page for the past hour Tae"

"Blame who? You want a high-schooler to understand Phd concepts?" Taehyung simmers.

Jeongguk rolls his eyes at the omega's antics. "Balance sheet is no rocket science sweetheart. It's basic and easy"

"Not for me though" he huffs. "It's confusing"

"Let me help you" Jeongguk gently offers, plopping on the bed, removing the papers sprawled all over to make enough space for himself. He takes a look into the page the younger was stuck at.

"Um so these are the liabilities incurred by the pack, let's go through the businesses we deal with before understanding each entry, yeah?" Jeongguk says, his warm breath fanning over Taehyung's cheek due to the proximity.

Taehyung hasn't still recovered from the events happened two days ago and to have Jeongguk so close again was making his heart thud. His mind involuntarily goes back to the day they made out, Jeongguk's hands and lips over him, the shivers he felt, a raw and non-platonic experience he's been deprived for ages, a touch so familiar yet so alien.

Taehyung can't help but want more of it, he feels his body heat up just by the mere idea. He wants to be touched, marked and wrecked by the alpha.

He shuts his eyes and berates himself for having such thoughts when he needs to focus. He feels sorry for Jeongguk who continues to teach him patiently, unaware of his inner turmoil.

What was happening to him?

"Tae?" Jeongguk frowns as he glances at the omega. "Why are your eyes closed?"

The younger snaps them open at the mention of his name. "Um—- n-nothing, i'm sorry"

"Hey that's alright, let's quickly finish this part okay?" The ever so patient Jeongguk smiles and Taehyung nods meekly, taking a peek at the page and he blinks. Because that wasn't the page they were on before all his wild thoughts attacked him.

"What's this? We were supposed to study liabilities and your businesses?" He asks dumbly and it was Jeongguk's turn to blink at him surprisingly.

"Yeah? We're done with it an hour ago?" Realization dawns upon him. "Don't tell me you zoned out, what the hell were you thinking—-" he gets silenced by a kiss on the mouth.

The alpha takes in a sharp breath, shocked at the suddenness but slowly tilts his head to deepen the kiss, his inner wolf's tail wagging in elation.

They fight for dominance, Jeongguk taking the lead as he grabs Taehyung around the waist and tackles him onto the bed, pins him down and kisses him hard, messy, greedy and urgent.

The papers crinkle under their weight, they roll to the empty side and Jeongguk sweeps away the files and papers off the bed, refusing to halt his tongue assault into Taehyung's hot cavern.

He kisses like there's no tomorrow, until they were out of breaths. They part, sucking in air before the aroused alpha trails down wet kisses down the younger's jaw, unbuttoning his red shirt and tugging it down till the delicious neck and collarbones were exposed for him to mark.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2022 ⏰

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