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Angst; Summary at the end!

"Uncle ggukie, this is so unfair. I've been waiting for you to cut the cake for two hours now" Yerin complains, scooping some cream with a finger and licking it.

"Sorry angel, we'll have to be patient till your cousin graces us with her presence" Jeongguk pouts.

"Fine, I get it, this will be your first birthday together" The beta girl smiles.

As Mihee turned out to be her favorite uncle's daughter, Yerin no longer holds any salty feelings over her. She in-fact wants to apologize and become friends with the omega.

Jimin on the other hand was way too excited to meet his soulmate after ages.

He kept imagining how Tae looks like now. How their meet is going to be.

No matter how much their lives have changed, Jimin wouldn't hesitate running up to his bestie to give him the tightest and the warmest welcome hug.

"Are they even coming gguk? Maybe Taehyung just lied so you won't get upset. You know right? he doesn't like to visit us" Yoongi expresses.

"They're on the way hyung, Mihee informed me" Jeongguk confirms.

They wait for another half hour, most of the pack members started leaving after wishing the head alpha as it was getting late.

Amidst the chaos of the members chattering and exiting, Jeongguk hears his favorite voice.


A big grin takes over the alpha's face as he turns around to look at his daughter.

"D-daddy" Mihee says again, puffing and panting fiercely, she holds the entrance door frame for a second to steady her ragged breathing and starts walking inside.

Her father's eyes grow wide, smile dies down as he notices Mihee's disheveled condition.

Her face was swollen, lips chapped and eyes tired.

She looked like a mess.

He takes long strides and then jogs up to his daughter, halting his movement as he reaches her.

"P-princess?" He kneels down, expression displaying great amount of concern.

Mihee throws her energy-less body onto Jeonnguk and the father quickly holds her.

"S-s-ave app-a" she utters in between her shortened breaths.

The head alpha frowns, "Save appa? what happened to T-Taehyung, Mihee?" He asks frantically but gets no response.

The pack members gather around them, equally worried as to what happened.

Jimin who stood behind Mihee gasps so loudly, slapping his hands over the mouth, startling others.

It was only then does Jeongguk's mind registers the wetness over his left palm.

He slowly brings it into line of sight, air gets knocked out of his lungs as he stares at his palm in horror.

It's red.

His bloody hand starts trembling, he tensely pulls away from the hug, gripping her waist with one hand and the uninjured shoulder with the other to check if she was okay but Jeongguk's heart stops when her head falls back unconscious.

He speedily brings his palm to support her nape and lays her on his lap.

"Mihee?—-" Hoseok crouches down and taps on her cheek in panic while Yoongi and Namjoon rush outside, leaving for Daegu immediately to save Taehyung after the lady who drove Mihee to Busan told them where she picked the girl from.

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