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"To the moon pack"

A cold wave of fear rushes over his bones, constricting movement of his every muscle.

Mihee is in the moon pack?

The person who pledged to kill his child lives in the same pack and Mihee is staying there?

"I tried to reach out to her numerous times but she never responded" Areum continues to say but when she gets no reaction from Taehyung she calls him.

"Uncle Tae"


Taehyung flinches violently. His eyes were wide, mouth slightly open, hands shaking as he stared at Areum in horror.

"M-mi-mihee" Tae was gasping for air, his legs moved on their own accord, walking away briskly.

In the next moment the omega father started running terrified. Countless thoughts messing up within his head.

If Mihee was in Moon pack for 9days, the pack members must be knowing who she is, Haru must be knowing too.

Areum said Mihee wasn't replying to her calls. Does that mean his pup was trapped in a situation where she couldn't pick her calls.

Taehyung stops for a second and phones Mihee. He was puffing and panting heavily but he didn't care. He needed to talk to her urgently.

But when she doesn't answer, he collapses.

What if his pup is in danger?

The omega was trembling in fear, he wailed remembering his daughter.

Is his pup safe? Is she even alive?

He talked to her last night but what if Haru did something to her today.

The dream he had of Mihee crying made his fright spike up.

He had to see his daughter this instant and sets off to Busan without giving it a second thought.

He races, transforming into wolf midway and reaches the forest surroundings.

The shortest route to Moon pack is through forest, it will take him there within one and a half hours while the road journey takes as long as 2.5 hours.

He didn't care about his safety as he could think of nothing else but his pup's life. He accelerated himself and ran as fast he could amidst the dense forest area.

After 1.5 hours, the omega finally reaches the Moon pack that he never imagined of revisiting in his life time.

The gates were closed and the impatient father rushes over to it and headbutts it with all the strength he could muster.

When the gates don't open he uses his body force to push and crash it open.

The security guards who notice him, within no time encircle the wolf.

"Stop Omega!" one of them says.

Taehyung growls in return, continuing to push the gate.

As he was an omega, the rules don't allow the guards to fight or hurt him, they needed instructions from the deputy alphas or the head alpha himself on how to tackle the distressed adamant wolf.

Jeongguk receives a call from the security officer who explains him the situation.

"Don't harm the omega, if they aren't surrendering, chain them and bring them inside" The head alpha orders.

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