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3600+ words. I didn't expect the chapter to grow this big. I hope the extra length is not a problem :c


Mihee pressed her face into the pillow to muffle her loud cries but jumps alert when someone knocks at her door.

She wipes her face with the same pillow before asking the person to come in.

Jeongguk opens the door and enters, bringing a bowl of hot rice for her. "You haven't eaten anything, so I thought—-" he says but goes silent when he looks at the omega's face.

"Were you crying?" The alpha enquires worriedly, walking to her and placing the bowl on the bedside table.

Mihee quickly shakes her head, giving him a strained smile.

"Why is your face and scent saying otherwise" Jeongguk plops onto the bed, shifting close to her.

"I'm not c-crying, i'm fine" she protests.

Though she now knows that her dad doesn't mind her rank, Mihee for the past six months trained herself to an extent where she involuntarily puts up a strong facade despite crumbling down inside.

For some odd reason she doesn't want to show her weak and sad side to her dad, skeptical of leaving a negative last impression on him before she goes back home.

As if Jeongguk could hear her thoughts, he grabs both her hands into his, rubbing a thumb over her knuckles. "Crying doesn't make you any less stronger pup." He tells her reassuringly "It is totally okay to let your tears flow and get it all out if it's troubling you so much"

As the words left Jeongguk's mouth, Mihee's eyes refilled with warm waters. Her lips turned wobbly, she couldn't suppress her agony any longer.

Being right in front of her dad and not being able to tell him the truth was eating her alive.

The alpha who sees the pain in her eyes pulls her closer to him.

In the next second she was cocooned in warm embrace.

Shudders wracked through the girl's body as she sobbed holding her father desperately, arms encircled around his chest.

Jeongguk's heart burned in despair as the painful loud cries filled the room.

He rocked her back and forth, hold tightening around her small trembling body protectively.

She cried for 15 minutes and Jeongguk was growing worrisome with each passing minute.

When he said her to let it out, he never thought it to be this intense.

What was it that was making his princess cry so badly?

He pressurizes his brain to think and come up with a possible answer and then it strikes him.

"Pup, have you seen the CD?"

Mihee's sobs halt. She lifts her head from his chest to look at him and gives a weak nod.

Jeongguk tenderly cups her cheeks in his hands "You searched for your appa's name?" He queries further.

Another nod.

"And you couldn't find him." He sighs, shaking his head defeatedly. It was more of a statement than a question.

"I'm sorry Mihee, I've been meaning to tell you for a while that your dad isn't from our pack. We have zero cases of alphas disowning their kids" Jeongguk explains to her, voice filled with sympathy.

Mihee doesn't respond to that as she didn't know what to say.

Jeongguk gently wipes her eyes with his thumbs "If there is a way I can help you find him, I'll gladly do it pup."

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