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AMARA KNEW better than to expect him to stay around after this. He wasn't around before, just barely, and after her brother he just faded into a memory. Arriving back to D'Qar, Amara noticed Finn fidgeting nervously. She also noticed BB-8 being a bit anxious, well as anxious as a droid could be.

Amara looks at Finn, "You okay?"

Finn looks at her, "Y- Yeah," He says.

Then the ramp lowered in their transport, first one out was BB-8 and after that was Finn. Amara quickly ran out after them and that didn't surprise her mother. BB-8 speeds through a crew of people, almost knocking some over. Finn runs after but slows down to watch BB-8, at this moment Amara was behind Finn. BB-8 rolls over to a pilot getting out of the black marked X-Wing. The pilot takes off his helmet, revealing it was Poe.

Finn gasped in shock.

Poe sees BB-8 and a big smile appears on the man's face. He drops to his knees and basically hugs his droid. Such a warm reunion. It appears BB-8 was telling Poe things, because the pilot lifted his head and was looking in the direction of Finn and Amara. But Poe's eyes only made contact with Finn.

"Poe," Finn started to move, "Poe Dameron-!"

Poe gets on his feet and begins to run over. The two men moved to each other and embraced in a tight hug. Amara stepped over, not wanting to over step anything.

"You're alive!" Finn shouts.

Poe pulls him back, "So are you!"

Finn looks at Poe in utter confusion, "What happened to you?"

Poe looks at Finn, "What happened? I got thrown from the crash, woke up at night. No you, no ship, nothing."

BB-8 rolls over, nudging against Amara's leg, and begins to beep at them. Poe's gaze moves from Finn to Amara to his droid, and lastly back to Finn.

"BB-8 says that you saved him," Poe says.

Finn shakes his head, "No, no, no. It wasn't just me." He claims.

Poe grins at Finn, "You completed my mission, Finn." He slugs Poe on the shoulder and then noticed something, "That's my jacket?"

Finn goes to take it off and return it to Poe, but Poe stops him. He shakes his head at Finn while giving him a smile.

"Keep it. It suits you." Poe says, "You're a good man, Finn."

Finn nods and then has a serious expression on his face, "Poe, I need your help."

Poe's eyes narrowed, "What is it?"

Finn sighs and looks defeated, "My friend- she also saved BB-8, was taken by the First Order. Taken by Kylo Ren."

Poe tensed at the mere mention of his name. BB-8 makes a sad sound as the droid rolled over to Poe's side. Amara stepped next to Poe and was looking at Finn.

"Why would he want a girl?" Amara asks.

Finn looks at Amara and reveals a lightsaber, "That's why." He says.

Amara looks at the saber, "Whe- Where did you get this?" She asks.

Finn allowed Amara to take it from him, both Poe and Finn were confused on why Amara was so shocked to see this saber.

"On Takodana," He says, "Maz had it and Rey found it."

Poe looks at Amara, "What's so special about that lightsaber, Amara?" He asks her.

Amara looks at them, "This is- is my uncle's lightsaber." She says.

Poe looked at Amara shocked, "What?"

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