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THE TRANSPORTS lowered more and more on Crait. The ground was white, making those in the transport worried.

Amara frowns, "Mom, we aren't equipped for the weather."

Leia placed her hand on her daughter's shoulder, "Dear, it's not snow."

Amara glanced at her mom, "Then what is it?"

"Salt." Leia answers.

Vira looks at Leia, "Have you been here before, General?"

Leia turns to those in the transport. She glanced at them all and then brought her attention to Vira.

"Leia, I do not want the formality right now." Leia says, "And yes, once. A long time ago."

Leia sat back down on the bench in the transport, sure she knew it would only be minutes before they land on the ground surface.

Leia glanced her head to look out the window, "It used to be a mining colony long ago." She says, "It was abandoned because of the labor dispute that ate into their profit margins. The mining company that had built the shelter had included it with blast doors to protect itself from crystal storms. It was that feature that caught my father- Bail Organa's attention back in the time of the old Rebellion." She says.

Amara's eyes drift from the window to Poe. She saw something in his eyes. He was invested in the stories of the Old Rebellion. He just ate up any old stories or old relics of the Empire and those heroes and legends. It didn't help that Poe was told stories when he was child by his mother and father.

Amara kept her eyes on him. He looked like a child. She couldn't help but smile.

"So this was a rebel base, Leia?" Poe asks.

Leia looks to the boy, "No." She says, "The Alliance didn't exist at that point. When the Alliance was finally formed, the Empire had changed their patrols. My father worried that having ships travel the area would be detected and risk many lives. Crait was considered as a new base after Yavin, but there was some complications."

Amara looks at her mom, "What sort of complications?"

Leia smiles at her daughter, "Another time perhaps." She says to Amara and the others on board.

The transports grew closer and closer to the base. Leia pulling out her comm link to mutter something in it, Amara wasn't listening to it. Amara leaned toward the window as did some others, to watch as the rather large blast doors open, revealing the inner part of the base. The ships loom inside the dark and gloomy base, before touching on the hangar. Slowly one by one, each of the remaining Resistances exited their transports.

Amara got out and felt odd. It felt like ages since she had been on a surface that wasn't floating in space. It almost felt uneasy being here. She looked around and noticed her mom standing by the entrance. Amara walked over and stood next to her mother.

Leia doesn't even look at Amara, "Do you still sense light in him?"

Amara shakes her head, "I don't know what I sense anymore." She glanced at her mother.

Leia glanced at her daughter. The two look back to the outside. Just barely in their sight were the outlines of First Order ships. They were here, closing in on them.

Leia doesn't even bat an eye, "They're coming." She says, "Close the doors."


ALARMS GOING haywire inside the base. It kept getting louder and louder as the enemy shipes grew closer and closer to the base. People moving around, fanatically, but also in order. There some at command centers, trying to send out a message for help. Which is what Kaydel Connix was doing. Vira was helping with some of the others find weapons to defend themselves.

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